
Thumbnail Title Description
ANC 1990 Consultative Conference

Black, green, yellow and white ANC poster. Notice of a conference. ANC logo.

Can peaceful negotiations unify R.S.A.?

Multicoloured poster. Seems to be part of folder 4066. The Open School children's art calendar.

25 dia da liberdade

Black, red, green and white poster. 1974 - 1990. Artwork of a carnation. AA 25 logo.

1990 ARDA Calendar

January to December calendar for ARDA. Coloured artwork of tea and dairy production by ARDA. Artwork of tea being poured into a cup. ARDA Logo.

January 1990 : EDA : Calendar

Black and white January to December 1990 calendar by Environmental Development Agency. History of EDA. Black and white photograph of a man in a blanket riding a horse in the Transkei. Quote by Scrote.

World Conference on Religion and Peace

Multicoloured poster. Border of white doves. Artwork of four people with arms raised. Artwork of various signs and symbols.

Sister : We bleed and we sing

A portfolio of six signed prints of images of South Africa by artist Shelley Sacks. White poster with black lettering. History of the artist.

South African Labour Bulletin

Labour Bulletin. Feburary 1990. Volume 14 Number 6. Red, black and white poster. Large black hammer and sickel. Map of the world. List of contents. ANC and SACP unbanned.

30 Years of the Freedom Charter

A2 litho red and black on white; photo children at Griffiths Mxenge memorial; text: 30 years of the Freedom Charter by Raymond Suttner and Jeremy Cronin, with contributions by: Mosiuoa Terror Lekota, Dorothy Nyembe, Wilson Fanti, Edgar Ngoyi, Steve Tshwete, Popo Molefe, Bishop Manas Buthelezi,

1990: The other press service

Offset litho, black and yellow calender; 1990: The other press service

Young christian students 1990: Unban the truth: Unban Jesus

Offset litho; black and green calendar; Young christian students 1990: Unban the truth: Unban Jesus

Community Resource and Information Centre

Calendar for 1990 issued by Community Resource and Information Centre. List of things they do. List of important dates. Yellow background with black lettering. Months outlined in green.

Women take the struggle forward

Yellow poster with red background and black lettering. Speak calendar for 1990. Various photos of women protesting for democracy.

Umtapo Centre 1990

Calendar in pink, black and white. International Literacy Year. List of literacy organisations in South Africa. Information on what Umtapo does. Wording from the Freedom Charter. Various images of students. Bakcground to ILY 1990. Azanian Manifesto

Pick up his spear

White poster with black lettering and black border. Photo of Fawcett Mothibedi Mathebe. 1958 - 1990. Wearing a SAYCO T-shirt. Remembrance poster. ANCYL Logos.

South African Youth Congress 1990

Cream poster. Red, green and black poster. Large SAYCO Logo in centre. 1990 Calendar. Black and white photographs of protesters.

Laity Conference 1990

Black poster with coloured photograph of church people. People behind carrying banners. Bible verse from Micah 6 : 8.

Postage stamps: first quarter 1990

White background with blue scrollwork in four corners and grey oval centre, containing coloured replicas of postage stamps issued in 1990, in all of Southern Africa. Philatelic services and Intersapa poster.

The Open School children's art calendar 1990

January 1990 Calendar. Artwork and accounts of problems in the lives of these children.

The Open School children's art calendar 1990: September-October

Multicoloured poster. Artwork and accounts of difficulties in the lives of these children.


3485 records found.