
Thumbnail Title Description
Workers in the E. Transvaal!

Yellow, green, black and white election poster for the Eastern Transvaal. COSATU logo. Black and white photographs of three workers.

Africa: we care

Gauteng AIDS programme poster, with Gauteng Provincial Government stamp. White, red and black poster. Artwork of map of Africa with black and white profiles of faces, also a lighted candle at the bottom of the map.

COSATU supports the Medicine Act

Red poster with white lettering and white COSATU logo. White AIDS ribbons across the bottom.

Reduce military spending: build the health system

Treatment Action Campaign poster. Black, white, red, grey and pink poster. Photograph of a fighter jet in side a circle with a cross over it. Also artwork of pills at the bottom.

Minister Erwin: issue compulsory licences: produce generic anti-retrovirals!

White, black and purple poster. Six black and white photographs of Alex Erwin.

AIDS profiteer: Pfizer

Black and white poster. Photograph of William C. Steere Jr., CEO of Pfizer. Demand to reduce price of fluconazole.

The future ain't what is used to be

Love life talk about it poster. Artwork of three girls partying with question mark regarding HIV status. Grey, white, black and gold poster.

The Constitution says that I have a right to dignity and access to health care services

Red, black and white Treatment Action Campaign poster. Artwork of a pregnant woman. Steps to take regarding health of mother and baby and HIV status.

Drug companies have blood on their hands

White poster with black lettering and border and artwork of a red handprint in the centre. One AIDS death every ten minutes. Affordable drugs now.

David Thomas: Kathy Watters: Benoni

PFP election poster. Dark blue with red lettering. Black and white photographs of David Thomas and Kathy Watters. PFP logo.

Jobs: peace: freedom

Yellow poster with green border and black lettering. SACCAWU logo. Three blocks at bottom with initials ANC, ANC logo and voters cross.

Wits worker leaders say: Vote ANC

Yellow poster with black border and lettering and ten black and white photographs of Wits workers. COSATU logo. Issued by COSATU Wits region. ANC logo.

PPWAWU: workers vote for a living wage

PPWAWU election poster. White with red, black, green and yellow lettering. Yellow, green and black border. PPWAWU and COSATU logos. Vote ANC. Four blocks in centre with ANC logo, ANC initials, photograph of Nelson Mandela and a voting cross.

SAUJS Anti Racism Campaign

Black and white poster. Photograph of Martin Luther King Jnr. Words "When someone criticizes Zionists, he means Jews". Anti Racism Campaign poster.

We demand peace and democracy now!

Red poster with artwork of a white dove. Also artwork of a woman holding a baby. Title in black, green and yellow letters. Issued by ANC-PWV, SACP-PWV, COSATU, SACTU, COSAS, etc.,

Stop short

Red and white poster. Artwork of a traffic sign with title on it.


Purple, blue and black poster. Words 'vote yes' around border. End Conscription Campaign logo. Artwork of a hand dangling a soldier like a puppet on strings.

South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers' Union year planner 1994

White, black and red poster. SACCAWU logo. Title in red letters. Year planner for 1994. Three black and white photographs of protesting workers at the bottom. Important dates noted.

Mass voter education now!: talk to your boss today!

Dark cream poster with light cream image of COSATU logo behind title. Title in purple and maroon lettering. Multicoloured border with artwork of diamonds and crosses. List of COSATU demands for voter education.

End conscription

White poster. Black artwork of images of a man in a suit, hat and tie, and the words end conscription in diagonal rows across the poster from right to left.


3485 records found.