
Thumbnail Title Description

Charcoal sketch of funeral scene of a cemetery and human figures.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1987-1989

Helping the International Red Cross were 1st Victoria Guides, from left (seated) Sarah Lindemann and Emma Vat, and (standing) Saxon Begg, Julie Christie, Debbie Beaton, Vicky Clare and Leanne Fraser.

Portrait of a Black Face

Charcoal portrait of a Black face.

Portrait of a Black Jesus

Charcoal portrait of a Black Jesus wearing a crown.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1987-1989

First Victoria guides earning their hostess badge. Entertaining their guests are, from left, Hayley Burt, Philippa Wylie, Linda Breare, Anke Wittenberg, Leigh Maytham and Eugene Neville.

Left: Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus

Left: Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus

Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus

Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus

Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus

Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus

Portrait of a Black Artist

Charcoal portrait of a Black Artist.

Colenso, Francis, Ernest, August 1887

Colenso, Francis, Ernest, August 1887

Hiss Colenso's dog

Hiss Colenso's dog

Portrait of a School Principal

Charcoal portrait of a black school Principal wearing glasses.

Potrait of a Black Female (B)

Charcoal portrait of a Black Female.

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

Portrait of a Young Black Man

 Charcoal portrait of a young black man wearing modern clothes.

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso

John William Colenso


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