
Thumbnail Title Description
Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Main bus rank, coner of Booth and Bellair Roads. Shacks in middle and back ground proceeding up to Salvation Army municipal offices


Abstract scene of a lady climbing stairs looking exhausted after a long journey.

"The house maid brigade"

Abstract scene of a family out in the picninc.


Abstract of soldires celebrating victory over drinks and smoke.

'Mr & Mrs'

Abstract scene of an English married couple.

Sir Hussar

Portrait of Sir Hussar on duty.

Music Concert: Dancing

Abstract of a couple dancing together at a music concert.

Music Concert: Magician

Abstract of a magiacian performing during a music concert.

Music Concert:Entertainment

Abstract scene of an entertainment: man performing tricks with a pig.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Curious. Brick style partially flat roofed Indian home in garden. Roof partially caved in. Smoke marks over back door and window. In left hand middle ground another destroyed building, from appearances most probably a house not a store. Shacks in background.


Abstract scene of a perfomer in a music concert.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. 1930s residential property, on electricity route, with window panes and some windows smashed. Difficult to see if interior has been looted, but no signs of arson.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. In foreground what appear to be some sort of shack structure. Not a dwelling. In centre middle ground is a demolished house, with only the small outbuilding remaining standing.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Burnt out store 5957 Bellair Road. African workers under Indian supervision clearing debris. Ground floor trading locale looted and burnt. Upper storey 

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Burnt out house, possibly also looted, with surrounding wooden boundary fence also partially destroyed.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Burnt out General Dealer store, on electricity route, possibly Booth Road, and possibly just after Cabazini towards Chesterville turn off.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. M.K. General Dealer, 763  Booth Road, Cato Manor; looted and burnt. Rubble looks partially cleared. Wooden structure to lefthand side looks untouched by fire.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Looted and burnt out remains of trading shop block. Building on left hand side looks untouched.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Interior of looted and trashed house. No sign of arson.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949.

Cato Manor Riots, 1949. Looted, burnt and destroyed trading store. Large building in left hand middle ground unidentifiable.


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