
Thumbnail Title Description
Traditional Zulu wedding on Ceza Mountain
Miller Alister: Swaziland

Nsibandi signong a concession

Traditional Zulu wedding on Ceza Mountain
Miller Alister: Swaziland

Delagoa Bay Ry. Pesene

River near Howick c1925.

River near Howick c1925.

Miller Alister: Swaziland

The Usuthu rooi, Matongaland, H. Dupont and Coope.

River near Howick c1925.

River near Howick c1925.

Miller Alister: Swaziland

 Our first oulspan en roue Sordwana bay

Miller Alister: Swaziland

Fugoot signing a conscession

Miller Alister: Swaziland

Umgwamaans young and old ladies

"From the vicinity of the Old Fort"

"From the vicinity of the Old Fort"

"Taken from where the Pavilion was built"

"Taken from where the Pavilion was built"


Untitled - Painting of a tree.

View of the Bluff from South Beach, Durban c1920.

View of the Bluff from South Beach, Durban c1920.

The Blue Lagoon, Durban c1920.

The Blue Lagoon, Durban c1920.

Miller Alister: Swaziland

Decagon Bay

Old St Peter's Church, Pietermaritzburg c1940.

Old St Peter's Church, Pietermaritzburg c1940.

Traditional Zulu wedding on Ceza Mountain
Traditional Zulu wedding on Ceza Mountain
MK Gandhi as Attorney

A Documented history of Indian South Africans


37694 records found.