
Thumbnail Title Description
"This is how it feels to be a Coloured Christian"

"This is how it feels to be a Coloured Christian"

" A March Post"

Abstract scene of a big officer during a March.

St Georges Cathedral Choir.

St Georges Cathedral Choir. - Cape Town. 

Somerset West, c1855.

Somerset West, c1855. 

"On Voyage"

Abstract scene of a sailing ship.

At the Second Provincial Synod in 1876.

At the Second Provincial Synod in 1876. Two of the Three Bishops who helped Gray draw up the constitution in 1870. 

Caister Hotel which was renovated to as luxurious Old Age Home

Caister Hotel which was renovated to as luxurious Old Age Home

Robert Gray

Robert Gray - "When British forces occupied the Cape, first in 1795 and again in 1806"

Scene of the first Synod. Wale street, Cape Town. c1870.

Scene of the first Synod. Wale street, Cape Town. c1870.

"Take Care"

Portrait of a Doctor carrying a note book.

The Diamond Wedding Couples.

The Diamond Wedding Couples at Cavalcade of Marriage. 

Mr. M. & Mr. J.

Abstract scene of officials looking upset.

Cardinal McCann in procession from the vestry of St. Georges Cathedral.

Cardinal McCann in procession from the vestry of St. Georges Cathedral. - Cape Town.

Boer War  canon rebuilt- now at Berea Old Age Home

Boer War  canon rebuilt- now at Berea Old Age Home

"Won't he enjoy his dinner party'

Abstract scene of a well dressed couple, with the husband looking frustrated. 

1983 Volkswagen Beetle

1983 Volkswagen Beetle

Brother Bernard Bunce with Fr. Gregory Wilkins.

Brother Bernard Bunce with Fr. Gregory Wilkins. 

"The doors of these huts.."

Abstract scene of an annoyed guard crouching to get inside a door 'The doors of these huts are so absudly low!'

Father Gerard Beaumont

"Death of Father Gerard Beaumont"

Dr. Thelma Gutsche

Dr. Thelma Gutsche - Authour of an article on Sophie Gray, "The Bishop Lady"


38458 records found.