
Thumbnail Title Description
Power-sharing: How the Indaba Achieves It in KwaZulu-Natal

Power-sharing is a political formula by which no single political or race group is able to dominate, whether it is a majority or a minority. Instead........

The golden sun no. 1 November 1984

In adult terms, a behaviour is called "intelligent" if it achieves a specified goal. For the child, however, the entire process of learning is not a matter of achieving results after the studied adult fashion, but a matter of experience derived in the process that we adults call play.......

Multi-Religious Conference, 11 September 1993; Children's Cultural Festival, 1993-4
Hare Krishna Times,Vol 14. May 1980

His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement (I.S.K.C.O.N)........

Magazines: Back to Godhead no.66, Hare Krishna



Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, engage your body in My service and surrender unto Me. Completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me......

The cane grower - newsletter - Vol 1, No 3, June 1988
Information digest Issue
Anglogold news release
Wits Spring Festival - Social History Cycle Tour
The Africa Fund Newsletter from Lindiwe Zulu to Phyllis Naidoo.

The Africa Fund Newsletter from Lindiwe Zulu to Phyllis Naidoo.

Update Newsletter from Dumisani Kumalo to Phyllis Naidoo.

Update Newsletter from Dumisani Kumalo to Phyllis Naidoo.

The new Republic Bank - Mela India
Radio Lotus - Your station of Happiness
Almadat video Inn.
Jyoti Press and Bookshop
Indian Municipal Employee's Society - Annual reports and balance sheets

Annual reports and balance sheets - 1946-47-48-50

Human Relations in Industry
Human Relations in Industry
ENGEN Employee Newsletter, Feb 2003


485 records found.