
Thumbnail Title Description
The Groote Schuur Minute

Communique of a meeting between F W de Klerk and the African National Congress in Cape Town, 2-4 May, 1990. Agreeing on commitment towards the resolution of the climate of violence and intimidation and movement towards negotiations.

Summary Minutes of a Meeting held in New York on 11 and 12 July 1988 between a South African delegation and an Angolan delegation, facilitated by a delegation from the United States

Minutes of a meeting in New York of delegates from South Africa and Angola, facilitated by the United States of America, to discuss a document provided by Angola based on principles for a peaceful settlement in southern Africa.

Summary Minutes of a Meeting held at the US Embassy in Cairo on 24 June 1988 between the South African and US delegations to the Cairo talks

Minutes of a meeting held between South African and US delegates to discuss national reconciliation in Southern Africa and the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola in order to implement UN Resolution 435.

Excerpts from discussions between a South African delegation led by Minister R F Botha and a United States delegation led by Deputy Secretary of State, Frank Wisner, on questions affecting South West Africa and Angola: Cape Town, 13 March 1986

Minutes of a meeting between a South African delegation and a United States delegation to discuss issues around Namibia and Angola

Excerpts from discussions between a South African delegation led by Minister R F Botha and a United States delegation led by Deputy Secretary of State Frank Wisner on questions affecting southern Africa: Cape Town: 13 March 1986

Minutes of discussions held between the South African Government and the United States Government to discuss military and political solutions to achieve a negotiated settlement in southern Africa

Minutes: Vergadering van die AG-Werkgroep op 22 Augustus 1986, Kantoor van die Administrateur-Generaal, Windhoek

Minutes, written in Afrikaans, of a meeting of the AG-Workgroup held in Windhoek.

Minutes of National Conference of the Black Sash held at Cape Town

Minutes of National Conference of the Black Sash held at Cape Town 12 to 15 March 1987, discussing: Minutes of previous conference, headquarters and regional reports, Magazine, finances, Advice Offices, forced removals, detentions, court monitoring, impoverishment, education, urbanisation, milita

Minutes: Vergadering van die AG-Werkgroep op 19 en 20 Maart, 1987, Kaapstad

Minutes, written in Afrikaans, of a meeting of the AG-Workgroup held in Cape Town.

Minutes of the South African Council of Churches Consultation, Cartiony, Geneva, 22-23 October 1987

Minutes of the South African Council of Churches (SACC) Consultation, 22-23 November 1987. Included is the SACC Women's Ministries Aims and Objectives

Meeting between Director-General N P van Heerden and Dr C Crocker, Assistant Secretary of State in Washinton on 30 March 1988

Meeting between South Africa and United States of America to discuss international relations with regard to the political and military situation in southern Africa as an obstacle to peaceful negotiated solution.

Summary Minutes of exploratory discussions held in London on 3 May and 4 May 1988 between a South African Delegation and an Angolan Delegation, facilitated by a Delegation from the United States

Meeting between representatives from South Africa, Angola, Cuba and United States to negotiate a peaceful solution for southern Africa and to develop political and economic stability.

Summary Minutes of the Bilateral Meeting held in Brazzaville on Friday 13 May 1988 between delegations from the Governments of the Republic of South Africa and the Peoples Republic of Angola

Minutes of a meeting between delegates from South Africa and Angola to discuss a strategy for peace and stability in Southern Africa. Withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola as a prerequisite for the implementation of Resolution 435 was among the issues discussed.

Summary Minutes of a meeting between a delegation from the Republic of South Africa, an Angolan/Cuban delegation, and a delegation from the United States of America as mediator on the question of SWA/Namibia and Angola: Cairo, 24-25 June 1988

Minutes of a meeting between delegates from South Africa, Angola and Cuba, with delegates from the United States of America as mediators, to discuss Cuban withdrawal of troops from Angola.

Meeting of the ILG

Minutes of a meeting of the National Interim Leadership Group (ILG), 31 July 1990. Discussed authority and powers of the ILG, function of the ILG and frequency of meetings, Working Group under the ILG and Secretariat, Regional ILGs, Membership and Headquarters Sub-committees.

Meeting between the Minister and Ambassador Nickel on 7 June 1985 at the Guest House, Pretoria, at 17h00

Minutes of a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pik Botha, and the United States Ambassador, Herman Nickel, to discuss what the Americans perceived as cross-border raids by South Africa

Meeting between the Honorable R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador H Nickel of the United States: Cape Town, 12 March 1984

Minutes of a meeting between the South African Foreign Affairs Minister, Pik Botha and the American Ambassador, Mr H Nickel, about a statement made by the South African Government with regard to the southern African conflict

Issues on which officials of South Africa were briefed by officials of the United States of America, at the latter's request, at meetings in Washington DC on 1 and 2 February 1982, following the meeting of the Contact Group in Bonn on 25 and 26 January 1

Minutes of a meeting where South African ambassadorial staff were briefed by representatives of the United States Government about cease-fire requirements to bring about stability in southern Africa

Report of the Commission of Enquiry into South African Council of Churches
Minutes of Extended Management Committee, 11 August 1981

Minutes of an extended ANC Management Committee meeting, to discuss various organisational issues.

Minutes of the Black Sash National Conference held at Grahamstown

Minutes of the Black Sash National Conference held at Grahamstown on 13 to 16 March 1981, discussing: Headquarter's, regional, treasurer's magazine's and Advice Offices reports, labour, pensions, Group Areas Act, minutes of previous conference, voluntary removals, resettlements, education, housin


297 records found.