
Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Reverend David Russell to Errol K. Moorcroft

Letter from Reverend David Russell to Errol K. Moorcroft, Democratic Party spokesperson on Agriculture concerning the eviction of farm dwellers from Syd Knott's farm, Kei Road

Letter addressed to Reverend David Russell

Letter from Errol K. Moorcroft to Reverend David Russell relating to the eviction of farm workers from Syd Knott's farm, Kei Road District.

Letter from Hutton and Cook Attorneys addressed to A.W. Goodyear

Letter from Hutton and Cook Attorneys representing Sidney Knott owner of Lyndhurst farm addressed to A.W. Goodyear protesting against the squatter camp on Mr Goodyear's farm which was adjacent to Knott's farm

Letter addressed to the Churchwardens and councillors, Christ Church Kei Road describing events leading to the eviction of farm workers from Wolseley Estate

Letter relating to the eviction of farm workers from Wolseley Estate and the church's involvement

Political activists on death row in the Eastern Cape

Letter from Barbara Orpen, Research Convenor, Black Sash reporting on the latest developments on political activists on death row in the Eastern Cape

Letter from Emma Mashinini

Letter from Emma Mashinini to Dear friends regarding a training programme for Standing for the Truth Campaign, March 20, 1989.

Letter from R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, South Africa, to His Excellency Mr Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, New York

A letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the United Nataions Secretary-General to report the cross border insurgence by SWAPO from Angola into Namibia for the purpose of establishing bases, in contravention of signed Agreements.

Letter from P W Botha, State President of the Republic of South Africa, to His Excellency Mr Kenneth D Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia

Letter from the President of South Africa to the President of Zambia informing him of the insurgence of troops from Angola into Namibia and the impact this will have on the peace process. Includes a letter from R F Botha to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Letter from Chester A Crocker to Mr Minister

Letter from Chester Crocker questioning the announcement by the Administrator-General in Namibia that SWAPO gueriillas returning to Angola will be thoroughly interrogated about their activities and knowledge of possible arms caches.

Letter from P W Botha, State President of the Republic of South Africa to His Excellency Dr K D Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia

Letter from the State President of South African to the President of Zambia, requesting that he assist in the transition process by pressurising SWAPO to withdraw all armed forces from Namibia

Southern African Catholic Bishop Conference: letter form Margaret Kelly to all Archbishops/ Bishops

This is the letter from Margaret Kelly to all Bishops and Archbishops of Justice and Peace Commission briefing them about non violence action and the defiance campagn in 10 August 1989.

Letter from Alexander M Haig Jr to the Honourable R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, South Africa

Letter from US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, to Pik Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, regarding a schedule for the withdrawal of Cuban troops coordinated with transnational security arrangements in Namibia.

Letter from R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, to the Honourable Alexander M Haig Jr, Secretary of State, United States of America

Letter from Pik Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, to US Secretary of State, Alexander M Haig, regarding relations between South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Letter from R F Botha to The Honourable Alexander H Haig Jr, Secretary of State, United States of America

Letter from Pik Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Alexander M Haig, US Secretary of State, regarding Cuban withdrawal of troops from Angola.

Letter to Regional Committees of the South African Communist Party sent on behalf of the General Secretary

Letter to Regional Committees giving instructions for the dispersal of the Special Resolution: Party Work in Fraternal Organisations

Letter from Moses Mabhida, General Secretary (SACP) to Jack Simons

Letter from Moses Mabhida to Jack Simons asking him to study the South African Communist Party Programme and suggest changes if necessary. Also suggestion for the commemoration of the Party's 60th Anniversary

Letter from Moses Mabhida, General Secretary, SACP, to the Central Committee, Communist Party of the United States of America

Letter from Moses Mabhida to the Communist Party of the United States of America rejecting the announcement that sanctions against South Africa are to be eased

Letter from R F Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Information, to Alexander M Haig

Letter from Pik Botha, Minster of Foreign Affairs, to US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig regarding the meeting of Contact Group Foreign Ministers held in Luxembourg on 17 May 1982 in relation to Southern African policy. Includes prior correspondence.

Letter from M M Mabhida to Ray Simons

Handwritten letter from Moses Mabhida to Ray Simons with a request to send clothing.

Letter from J K Nkadimeng to Afred Nzo

Letter from J K Nkadimeng to Afred Nzo of November 3, 1982 and enclosing RC HQ Commission report of October 1982 at Lusaka. Note that the document is barely legible.


5603 records found.