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Letter from Monroe to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

Saturday night, the classical dance concert cancelled due to the stairs sudden indisposition ( doesn’t she know the show must go on?)

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

Thanks for the letter of the 14th and the telegram. What a joy to hear that all is well.

Letter from Rhonda to Phyllis Naidoo

I received your letter today and it was so upsetting. I could see you sitting unladylike at the desk in pain.

Letter from Rebecca to Phyllis Naidoo

At last I am in Akron, at a typewriter, with free personal time as yet unclaimed; an exceedingly rare combination of factors!

Letter from Rebecca to Phyllis Naidoo

LESOTHO -- hearty farewells, many kind expressions of love and friendship, a few tears but basically a joyous take-off on Friday morning June 6, 1980.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

Thank you for your letter dd 10th October, received last week.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

Think daily about you. How I wish you could have been with us.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

I wrote letters to your Sakhthie. Your friend re migrant labour on the 2/10/80.

Letter from Selvie Pillay to Phyllis Naidoo

Your letter was a surprise but a very pleasant one.

Letter from Nersen to Phyllis Naidoo

How are you doing? How is Suks and the boys? Is Anna well? The family? Are you healing well?

Letter from Owen Burgess to Phyllis Naidoo

Butterworths has always had a very personal relationship with its customers, and especially with the legal fraternity.

Letter from Nellie to Phyllis Naidoo

Your unanswered letter still stands with a pile that Will left behind, when he collapsed and died in June.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

Hello again! How aye my two favorite comrades these days?

Letter from Nellie to Phyllis Naidoo

How good of you to keep writing when I am so hardly with my replies.

Letter from Mosa to Phyllis Naidoo

One again I’m here in Deutschland, it’s no longer the question of driving down to Phyl but now one has to write in order to communicate.

Letter from Monroe to Phyllis Naidoo

Here is a schematic list of memories which are tucked away just behind Ferns and my cerebrums – (the chronology gets blurred but the love is always there):

Letter from Monroe to Phyllis Naidoo

Although we could never match the autocratic influence of one Mr. Chocklingum, we would be most appreciate of your assistance in the organizing and implementation of our marriage.

Letter from Miss April to Phyllis Naidoo

Would  like to inform you that there will be a General Studies Lecture tomorrow.

Letter from Mike to Phyllis Naidoo

Hey Phyl – thinking so much about you now Rhonda and Co will have gone.

Letter from Michelle to Phyllis Naidoo

I am so sorry that I am writing so late we just received your letter on Wednesday.


5576 records found.