
Thumbnail Title Description
Letter to Gregory Gransden from Peter Brown

Many thanks for your subscripion and donation which......

Letter to Peter Brown from Peter Vale from Rhodes University

Just to confirm our discussion on Sunday. My colleagues, Chris Heymans and Doreen Atkinson have agreed in principle....

Letter from Professor Jonathan Burchell to Mr Brown

I am attaching a copy of an article entitled ''Judicial Control of Arrests and Detention.....

Letter to Errol Moorcroft from Peter Brown

I realised after putting the phone down last night that Mike had......

Letter from Bill Paton to the Southern African literature society

Thank you for continuing to send us 20 copies of Reality.....

Letter to Tyrone August from P.M. Brown

Dear Mr Augwst , Gavin Stevart tells me that you have very kindly agreed to do an article for REALITY on the Grahamatown Festival. Would it be possible for you to meet a deadline of the end of September?

Letter to Julian

Don't think you can escape from me by running off to the other end of the earth.........

Letter from Argo Publications

Dear Publisher, Enclosed please find our order(s) for subscriptions to be entered as detailed......

Letter to Mr Ntomu from Peter Brown

Dear Nr . Ntomu, Thank you fo r your letter of 18th August........

Letter to Peter from Christopher Merrett

Many thanks for your letter dated 25 August......

Letter to Professor Michael Bavage from Savages

This is your officail ''thank you'' letter. it is comes as a sort of softening up for the hoped for follow-up article........


Letter from P.M. Brown to Christopher Merrett

It is true that REALITY tries to avoid publishing letters......

Letter from Christoper Merrett

I seem to remember reading in an old issue of..........


Letter from P.M. Brown to AFRAPIX

I am returning with this l etter your SATS strike photographs....

Letter from Peter to Professor Cavin Stewart

Thank you for the copies of CUE......

Letter from Venn, Nemeth and Hart to Peter Brown for Reality Board


I write to apologise for the delay in acknowledging receipt of..........


Letter to from the Department of History to Peter Brown

Dear Peter , Sorry to be so long in replying to your letter of 18 June . My major difficulty was extracting replies from the other people I had approached

Letter from Brenda to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Brenda to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Eric Singh to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Eric Singh to Phyllis Naidoo.


Letter from Elizabeth to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Elizabeth to Phyllis Naidoo.


5594 records found.