
Thumbnail Title Description
Interview with Joe Slovo by Julie Frederickse

Interview with Joe Slovo by Julie Frederickse

Interview with the NUSAS President, Neville Curtis - the new NUSAS

Text of interview by Varsity, a University of Cape Town student newspaper, with Neville Curtis, President of NUSAS. Subjects covered include recent Congress of the National Union of South African Students, its new constitution and other student organisations.

Interview with Winnie Mandela on the Soweto riots

In a interview Winnie Mandela puts forth reasons for the eruption of violence in Soweto on June 16th.

How June 16 demo was planned

This is an interview with Lebello Matapanyane, describing the events and political developments leading to the new upsurge, and explaining how the militant youth see the future shape of political struggle.

Interview with Raymond Suttner

Interview with Raymond Suttner by Julie Frederickse

An interview with Steve Biko

The interview was conducted with Steve Biko in July 1977

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Sheena Davis, Advice Office Director and Joyce Harris, President of Black Sash regarding the Transkei Independence

Transcript of an interview with Sheena Davis, Advice Office Director and Joyce Harris, President of Black Sash regarding the independence of the Transkei and its socio-economic impact on black urban dwellers

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Lucy Mvubelo, Chairperson of the National Union of Clothing Workers regarding Ciskei Independence

Transcript of an interview with Lucy Mvubelo, Chairperson of the National Union of Clothing Workers regarding the independence of the Ciskei and its socio-economic impact on black workers

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Leah Tutu, President of the Domestic Workers and Empoyers Project

Transcript of an interview with Leah Tutu, President of the Domestic Workers and Employers Project regarding the independence of the Ciskei and its socio-economic impact on domestic workers

Ciskei Commission: transcript of an interview with Dr. Ellen Hellman regarding the independence of the Ciskei

Transcript of an interview with Dr. Ellen Hellman regarding the independence of the Ciskei and its socio-economic impact on black families

United Democratic Front: Last Beleaguered Hope

Interview with Azhar Cachalia who is the National Treasurer of the United Democratic Front where he mentioned that they honestly believe that the United Democratic Front must be the last possible hope for a relatively peaceful transformation to democracy in this country


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