Conference Papers

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Uneducating South Africa : the failure to address the need for human capital - a - 1910 - 1993

This paper presents some detailed historical time series on the South African schooling system since union in 19 10. As such it represents an exercise that to our knowledge has not been undertaken before, with the

A brief review of Indian Education in Natal 1962

Indian education in Natal upon the arrival of the immigrants was initiated by at least: two Church missions in the country, the Church of S.A. and the Wesleyan .

Higher education - key to Indian progress (In The Indian South African)

This paper has attempted to prove that the key to the economic salvation of the Indian in South Africa lies in his greater participation in higher education. In 1964, there were 48,000 White students in the various universities in South Africa (full-time and part-time) representing over 1.

“The Politics of Memory and Memory of Politics”: Remembering and Silencing in Written and Oral Narratives about the University of Natal’s Medical School

The first three chapters of my dissertation focus on some of the complicated background history that led to the establishment of the first racially segregated medical school for black – African, Indian and Coloured – students in Durban, South Africa in 1951.

Life was always like a State of Emergency: Black Medical Student Experiences at the University of Natal Medical School, 1950-1990

“You know… when I became the Professor of Anatomical Pathology, we had a major boycott here [and]… Professor Clarence was so angry.


The relationships between social research and the application of research findings are diff±cult and demanding, especially in the context of problems researched in Southern Africa.

Death in Black and White : suicide statistics and race in Natal, 1880-1916

From the ballot boxes of Florida, USA, to the police stations of South Africa, numbers and the mechanisms of their counting have come upon hard times recently.

The Dynamics of lndian Family Firms in Durban

The author argues that there is a relationship between the joint family and economic (business) development and that contrary to the general belief that the joint (or extended) family is an inhibition to development, it has been in Durban a positive element.

The Decline of Stevedoring Labour in Durban: 1959-1990

The movement of commodities around the world has been a crucial way in which
capitalist and colonial economies have functioned. Ships and harbours have been the
focus of the transportation of commodities for many centuries, and today, while there are

Factory and Family: lndian Factory Workers in Durban

Introduction 1 should start by clarifying the theme on which I will speak, namely Indian women's attitudes towards their jobs and their perceptions of how their jobs affect their family lives.

The third world challenge business affirmative action and third world economy

From The year at UDW 1988 The third world challenge business affirmative action and third world economy In July 1988, the Development Society of South Africa held its third biennial conference at the University of Durban-Westville.

Indian merchants and Dukawallahs in the Natal Economy c 1875 – 1914

In the early years of the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Natal provided an ideal environment in which Indian merchants could flourish.

Assorted conferences, correspondence and articles
Role of the Indian in Natal's economy

Indentured Indian labour was first imported by sugar planters in the second half of the nineteenth century. On the expiration of their indentures ,

The Dynamics of lndian Family Firms in Durban

The author argues that there is a relationship between the joint family and economic (business) development and that contrary to the general belief that the joint (or extended) family is an inhibition to development, it has been in Durban a positive element.



Celebrating the International Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa’s Freedom Struggle: Lessons for Today’ University of KwaZulu-Natal, International Convention Centre, Durban, 10 - 13 October 2004 (Day Four)

As part of the national celebrations to mark the decade of freedom, the Documentation Centre and the Campbell Collections of the University of KwaZulu-Natal will jointly host a conference of the International Anti-Apartheid Movement over three days in Durban from 10 - 13 October, 2004.  The confe

’Celebrating the International Anti-Apartheid Movement in South Africa’s Freedom Struggle: Lessons for Today’ University of KwaZulu-Natal, International Convention Centre, Durban, 10 - 13 October 2004 (Day Three)

As part of the national celebrations to mark the decade of freedom, the Documentation Centre and the Campbell Collections of the University of KwaZulu-Natal will jointly host a conference of the International Anti-Apartheid Movement over three days in Durban from 10 - 13 October, 2004.  The confe

Through Sweden and beyond; the spread of South African song in the global Anti-Apartheid Movement

As part of the national celebrations to mark the decade of freedom, the Documentation Centre and the Campbell Collections of the University of KwaZulu-Natal will jointly host a conference of the International Anti-Apartheid Movement over three days in Durban from 10 - 13 October, 2004.  The confe

Churches and the South Africa Liberation Struggle

As part of the national celebrations to mark the decade of freedom, the Documentation Centre and the Campbell Collections of the University of KwaZulu-Natal will jointly host a conference of the International Anti-Apartheid Movement over three days in Durban from 10 - 13 October, 2004.  The confe


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