Wooden Spoon
Thumbnail | Title | Description |
"Ukhezo" |
Long woden carved spoon with a flat handle from Nongoma. |
"Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved ladle with diamond incisions on the handle. It belonged to the Mthethwa family from Endulini, Melmoth in KwaZulu- Natal. |
" Ukhezo" |
A medium sized wooden carved spoon. The handle has rectangular holes on it. |
"Ukhezo" |
Long wooden carved spoon, made out of dark wood and delicately designed handle with a fancy incision in the middle. It came from Nkandla in |
"Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has incisions on it. It came from Nongoma in KwaZulu- Natal. |
"Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved spoon with a long incisioned handle and a tip at the end. It came from Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal. |
"Ukhezo" |
Medium sized wooden carved spoon, with long handle, black incisions on light brown wood from Nongoma in KwaZulu- Natal. |
"Ukhezo" |
A medium sized wooden carved spoon. The middle part of the handle is decorated with carved- in triangles and rectangles. |
" Zulu Wooden Spoon" |
Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has a block in the middle. It belonged to the Mangwaneni clan from Estcourt in KwaZulu-Natal. |
"Ukhezo" |
Large wooden carved spoon with incisions on the handle. |
" Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has incisions in the middle and a pointy tip. |
" Ukhezo" |
Large wooden carved spoon/ ladle known as Isixwembe in isiZulu. It has incisions in the middle of the handle. |
"Ukhezo" |
wooden carved round spoon with an incisioned handle. |
"Ukhezo" |
Long dark, wooden carved spoon with incisions on the handle a nd a sharpened tip. |
"Ukhezo" |
Long wooden carved spoon with incisions on the handle and a pointy tip. |
"Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved spoon with a medium sized handle that ha triangular incisions at the tip.It came from Nkandla in KwaZulu- Natal. |
"Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved spoon with a long handle, from Nkandla in KwaZulu- Natal. |
"Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved spoon with a long handle that has a sharp tip. |
"Ukhezo" |
Delicately wooden carved round spoon/ sieve. The handle is crafted in a European style and engravings around it, with holes in the middle and end. It came from Nongoma inKwaZulu- Natal. |
"Ukhezo" |
Wooden carved spoon in a delicate design with a spilt handle, triangular incisions and a sharp tip. It came from Nkandla in KwaZulu- Natal. |