
Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
John Clark Collection

An abandoned saddle horse seen on a Boer War battlefield.

John Clark Collection

Sketch drawing of a farm house

John Clark Collection

Dr Stanger's original cottage, later Leut. Governor's residence

John Clark Collection

Paul Kruger

John Clark Collection


John Clark Collection

St. Johns Church

John Clark Collection

Ladies' Hockey in the City: the Brooklyn Team: picture taken 31/10/1913

John Clark Collection

Corner Longmarket Street and West Street, Pietermaritzburg

John Clark Collection

Mrs Theodore Woods first lady town councillor. Pietermaritzburg in her robes. Natal Pictorial. 15/10/1915

John Clark Collection

Prince Alred 1860 from AFH

John Clark Collection

Gert Maritz (1797-1838) Leader of the Great Trek, a wise counselor, great administrator, possessing a keen intelligence, yet he was fated never to enjoy peace and happiness in Natal.

John Clark Collection


John Clark Collection

Representatives of the opposing forces photographed at O'Neill's cottage for discussion of the peace terms, March 1881. Front from left to right: Franz Joubert, General Piet Joubert, President M.W. Pretorius (Transvaal), Vice-President S.J.P. Kruger, President J.

John Clark Collection

21 Ewas Deep

John Clark Collection

Boer trench at Pieters Hill

John Clark Collection

Lieut. Gox John Scott

John Clark Collection

General Colley killed Majuba

John Clark Collection

Piet Retief (1780-1838) From the statue erected outside the former Church of the Vow, now Voortrekker Museum, Pietermaritzburg.

John Clark Collection

Bishop J.W. Colenso

John Clark Collection

A war artist's sketch of the cottage during the negotiations. It had been used as a first-aid station for the wounded British soldiers.


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