Higgs Muriel

Thumbnail Title Description
Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938
Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938

Bonsella, R. Illing Rocket, L. Jackson Pinto, W. Ferguson Jerry and C. Beaum

Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938
Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938

Betty Brown, Pat-Ellis Brown, M.J. Higgs, Mollie Illing, Betty Dumm Kitty and Gazell Kitty Leightin

Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938

Judyeriksen, Robynn Illing, Wallice Ferguson, Leslie Leon, Barbara Bloom

Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938

Mollie Illing Whitism, Maria Pessels Blanco, R Levy rilling Pinto, C.Laotry Mary.

Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938
Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938
Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938

Joice Fryer, R Levy, Ian Henderson.

Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938

Maurice Nathon.

Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938

M.J.H on Mindol, Joyce Fryer on Merry Ringer, Yvonne Tuson on Starlight, Candle glow, Khake.

Higgs Muriel: Pinetown show 3rd September 1938
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel
Higgs Muriel

Photograph by C.W. Simons, Natal Advertiser Chbrs, Durban

Higgs Muriel

Robin on Tony and Roger on Tiny.

Higgs Muriel

Robynn on Smut and Maria Blanco

Higgs Muriel


83 records found.