Thumbnail Title Description
A Critical Discussion And Evaluation Of The Violence In Natal: 1983-1989, 1990

The endemic violence that engulfs Natal's townships puts it firmly among the most conflict......


Extra-Parliamentary Organisations In South Africa

On the southern tip of the "Dark Continent" there lay a land that imperialists discovered by chance. By their very nature, these colonialists began to infiltrate the land of the indigenous people..........

Work In Progress 49
Input by Gwede Mantashe to BMF meeting
United Democratic Front Newspaper Articles
UDF Newspaper Cuttings
United Democratic Front Press Cuttings
The United Democratic Front and the Changing Politics of Opposition in Natal, 1983-85
Lekota on UDF
Treason Trial - 1985
Labour Party, TIC, UDF Press Cuttings
Letter from Mangosuthu Buthelezi to Archie Gumede
Draft resolution submitted to Annual Provincial Conference of the Natal Indian Congress held in Durban

Draft Resolution

Minutes, Circulars and Agendas of the Natal Indian Congress in 1950

1950 minutes and agendas

Natal Indian Congress and United Democratic Front - 1983-1986

Newspaper Articles

Letter from Mangosuthu G Buthelezi to the President of the United Democratic Front
Peter Brown/Reality Collection: UDF rally, Pietermaritzburg

Black and white print 20.1 x 25.3

Freedom Charter

The Freedom Charter is a unique document in that for the first time ever, the people were actively involved in formulating their own vision of an ...

Letter from A J Gumede to Dr Oosthuizen
New Deal? South Africa 1983

On 20th August 1983, the United Democratic Front was launched at the Rockland Civic Centre in Cape Town. It was a broad coalition of anti apartheid organizations that opposed the government's constitutional reform proposals.


298 records found.