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Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Paula Park speaks with Mr Chambulikazi about the group of villagers who live near the sea in the northern Tanzania who used their music and dance to express their dissatisfaction with certain aspects of local services.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

The guest in this programme is Anima Misa Amoah. She is an actress and the author of the first production in the forthcoming African Theatre Season and came along to tell about her play.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Todays programme has news of the latest devolopment in the perennial entertainment of the travelling theatre and a chance to hear some of the earliest African music, the songs for babies and small children.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Drama and Theatre are well established in Nigeria. Dr, Biodun Jeyifo of the University of Ife published a book on African drama called "The Truthful Lie: Essays In A Sociology of African Drama". Dr.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

The National Theatre in Uganda with the help from the British Council, set up a community theatre workshopin the eastern town of Mbale.Teachers, health workers, social workers and civil servants came together  for a month to work out techniques for making community theatre more effective.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This programm is a theatrical experience, where Maxwell Tembo, a Zambian actor opening the show in Harare, Zimbabwe. He also introduced the Kenyama Travelling Theatre Group who brings theatre to the people instead of the people to the theatre according to Tembo.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This programme is about Wole Soyinka's work, "A Play of Giants" published by Methuen. The play was staged for the first time at the Repertory Theatre of the University of Yale in the United States and directed by Wole Soyinka himself.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This edition covers the modern Zairean music whis has become so persuasive and influential. Jim Fish visited the National Theatre of Zire in Kinshasa and spoke with Director, Citoyen Diyabanza.

Arts and Africa BBC African Service, London

In the Capital of Senegal, Dakar, Florence Akst speak with Ibrahim Sane about Festival of Young Creators. It's the second edition of such festival. It's for young people aged about eight to fourteen and they organised what they called "total theatre".

Arts and Africa

In Arts and Africa, the participants look at filmmaking in Ghana as seen by the Managing Director of the Ghana Film Corporation. They looked at the controversial film called 'Topokana's Martyre's Day it was written by Jonathan Falla who has worked for a famine relief team in East Africa.

Arts and Africa

Alex Tetteh-Lartey taking people down memory lane in this special edition of Arts and Africa, where Nick Owen interview Eldad Walakira about the subject of Theatre in Kampala, Uganda.

The Brown University Program in Creative Writing's FESTIVA L OF AFRICAN WRITING

The Brown University Program in Creative Writing's
Festival of African Writing
November 4-8, 1991

ABIBIGROMMA [Resident Theatre Company of the University of Ghana] in the African Premiere of FORTUNES OF THE MOOR

Abibigromma, a Resident Theatre Company of the University of Ghana in the African Premiere of Fortunes of the Moor is presented by the School of Performing Arts , University of Ghana. August 14-17, 1997.

African literature association 1997 conference

A 23rd Annual Conference of the African Literature Association hosted by Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan on April 16-19, 1997. Under the theme, "FESPACO Nights in Michigan: African Film and Literature."

Arts and Africa: BBC African Service, no. 498G
Arts and Africa: BBC African Service, no. 483G
Avalon Cinema

Inside view of the Avalon Cinema

Else Schreiner Collection: Puppet theatre

Colour print 8.8 x 13

Letter from a friend to Phyllis Naidoo

Thank you for the personal letter much awaited by me. The contents makes ones heart weep.

Asoka Theatre University of Durban-Westville


70 records found.