Thumbnail Title Description
American Attitudes Towards Race Relations

Presidential elections are usually occasions for national pride and at least some stirrings of patriotism. Our sometimes unseemly-but usually undramaticdemocracy rolls on, replacing........

Report of the Platoon System for 1940

I submitted the following report to the Platoon Systems.....

Tribute to Gandhi 100 years souvenier brochure

The South African context is a dynamic one, and at times it seems hard to imagine what sort of future lies ahead. Yet inspite of all this confusion the philosophies of the Mahatma shine through.......

Aachen conference :inproving university teaching -26-29
Vocational interests as revealed by enrolments
The scope of unemployment for graduates and or diploma students
The aims and scope of the study
Review of other professions - Agriculture
Report on vocational guidance
Letter from DIX, BOYES & Co to professor Butler-Adam
Letter from the Dickinson Robinson Group Africa to Prof. J.J.C. Greyling
Letter from the Department if Indian Affairs to Prof J.J.L. Greyling
Companies to Prof Greyling - survey of employment possibilities for Indian Graduates
Companies to Prof Greyling - survey of employment possibilities for Indian Graduates
Companies to Prof Greyling - survey of employment possibilities for Indian Graduates
Student Revolt: 1972 to 1976 - Chapter Eight

In 1976, the schools of South Africa exploded in a gigantic youth rebellion. This revolt was to continue for years, becoming a major part of the resistance to Apartheid. Yet it arose from a schooling system designed to underpin Apartheid policy.

The definition of Black Consciousness
Food Authority and Politics - Student Rights in South Africa: 1945-1976
News Brief - For the Week : 20 September - 4 October 2007

Public Affairs and Corporate Communications


833 records found.