Thumbnail Title Description
Neither I nor Young did plan the march: says student leader

This press statement, signed by the Chairman, relates to misunderstading regarding the organisers of a march during the visit of Andrew Young, the United States ambassador to the United Nations

Morris Isaacson is still what she was before

A short poem in remembrance of an exile

Soweto Students Representative Councils major priorities and other projects

Contains a list of resources required for the functioning of the Soweto Students Representative Council.

Letter from Terrence Tryon of SASO to Secretary of the Soweto Students Representative Council 1977

A letter of invitation to the Soweto Student's Representative Council to attend the 9th General Students Council Meeting of the South African Students Organisation in July 1977

Soweto Students Representative Council: It was said that our country is democratic

A circular issued by the Soweto Students Representative Council rejecting the formation of Community Councils

Students and People Soweto

A circular containing a list of demands compiled by the Soweto Students Representative Council

Soweto Students' Representative Council. Students and Parents of Soweto

The circular issued by the Soweto Students' Representative Council calls upon students and parents to resist the take over of community schools with Bantu education

Soweto Students Representative Council: We shall share sufference and joyous moments

The circular, issued by the SSRC, calls for a one year commemoration for all students who died in the political unrest in Soweto on 16th June 1976

Soweto Students Representative Council: Pledge solidarity with students

Circular issued by the SSRC calling for increased solidarity with Black students in South Africa in the struggle for freedom

Soweto Students Representative Council: Boycott on rent increase

Circular calling for solidarity of students with parents over a rent increase

10 records found.