
Thumbnail Title Description
Political Sciences

International Relations, which is the subject of study in Political Science, has greater immediacy and relevance to everyday political occurrences than probably any other branch of Political Science........

National and International News Events 1959

In this period of economic boycott there is an increasing demand for information on how the wh.......


Logbook of Merebank Indian Private Platoon School

Log book of the Merebank Indian

Work In Progress No 54 June/July 1988
KwaZulu-Natal building a Province together
Interview with Mr Sam Chetty
Can your baby hear ? - V.N. Naik school for the deaf

Your child's most important learning will take place between birth and 4 years of age....


Rural school on mountains in a distance.

Dunsec Youth News
SD Developments, 2002

Inside this issue .. .
Stories out of School ................................................. 3
Tools for Conflict Settings ........................... : ............. 5
Environmental Journalists Network .......................... 5

Letter from Phyllis to Bernhard while she was in Lesotho


Principal K. Naidoo

Red Cross Society

Presentation by Mr. K. Naidoo - Principal Green Hall School March

Red Cross Society

Winter School - Art

Students and Lecture Annual Winter School Art organized by the University

A S Chetty Collection: Tent school after renovations

Colour print 10 x 15cm

A S Chetty Collection: Tent school

Colour print 8.7 x 12.7

A S Chetty Collection: Tent school

Colour print 8.7 x 12.7

Natal Room/Gerhard Mare Collection: Youths standing, holding a post 'Don't be misled by people who are remote controlled from Lusaka. Go to school!'

Black and white print 25.3 x 20.2


Letter from Gillian and John to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Gillian and John to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Gwen and Frank to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Gwen and Frank to Phyllis Naidoo.


180 records found.