Thumbnail Title Description
The Conflict in Southern Africa. The use International Conflict simulation gaming as a rhetorical pedagogic and reseach tool

Since 1975, for twelve years, "The Middle East Conflict Simulation Game" and its counterpart "The Southern African Conflict Simulation Game" have been used........

Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa - Lectures

Lectures held at the Ramakrishna Centre

The socio economic conditions of indentured and ex-indentured Indians and their struggle for political freedom 1860-1914
Article on Gandhi - Draft

Gandhi - the myths behind the legend By 1904, South Africa's coloured and Indian communities had started a slow journey towards political had at last found to champion their other a doctor awareness.....











Work In Progress 70-71, Nov-Dec 1990
Social History Bicycle Tour - Indian Johannesburg
Sanctions press cuttings
Disinvestment & Sanctions: 1986
Letter from Christoper Merrett

I seem to remember reading in an old issue of..........


Letter to Peter Brown from John

Thursday , 17th. Dear Peter,  Cyprian Thorpe, whom I saw on Tuesday at St Matthew's, was not as helpful as I had hoped he might be. He has of course been out of touch for five months and he said he is too busy to talk much politics on the mission .

Letter to Mr Jones

Dear Mr. Jones, I am not sure whether you were able to have discussions vii th our friends on your way home from here......

The political economy of the city
Strike Diary
Input by Gwede Mantashe to BMF meeting
Cosatu Press Cuttings

Survey of Indians in SA-Ms articles prepared by staff  of UDW 1964 re:employment opportunities ,educational Guidance,statistics,job resarvations etc 1964

Finance Minister - South African Government Budget 1999-2000
NP KeyFacts - GEAR Sabotaged
Umrabulo: Lets talk politics, No 6
ANC KZN PEC bulletin Nov 2001


87 records found.