Thumbnail Title Description
Sisulu e Kathrada: comrades in arms
No-one can stop us: Namibian women speak out about their struggles, hopes and dreams
Communists in National Liberation Movements: a talk dedicated to the life and work of Ruth First

Typescript of a talk delivered by Jack Simons on Communists in National Liberation Movements.

Communists in National Liberation Movements: a talk dedicated to the life and work of Ruth First

Typescript of a speech delivered by Jack Simons on Communists in National Liberation Movements.

On the current political trends in South Africa in the context of the struggle for national liberation

An address to the Press luncheon in Washington DC on the national liberation struggle in South Africa

Interview: Pallo Jordan
Film review
Women writers: a separate entity
The new situation on Southern Africa and the position of the oppressed majority in apartheid South Africa

ANC National Executive Committee submission to the Organisation of African Unity for their strategy for the liberation of South Africa.

Press Statement concerning the transition in Mozambique: riots, rallies etc

A press statement issued by SASO on the independance of Mozambique

Statement on the expulsion from the ANC of South Africa

Statement on the expulsion from the ANC (SA) of T Bonga, A M Makiwane, G M Mbele, A K Mqota, P Ngakane, T X Makiwane, O K Setlhapelo. Includes list of resolutions.

The days shall come

A "power to the people" poem


A "power to the people" poem

We are at war!

Pamphlet issued by the African National Congress in order to rally support for armed struggle

An interview with the South African Communist Party
Leaders, heroes, fighters and fathers
Our defence NUM
Black Consciousness and the role of the Black woman

Discussion on the meaningful role of the Black woman within the Black Consciousness Movement in the struggle for national liberation.

The "constitutional" fallacy
Towards democratic unity


73 records found.