Thumbnail Title Description
Gatsha Mangosuthu Buthelezi

LONDON: MangosuthuButhelezi has dismissed the likelihood that his Inkatha movement and the ANC could have joint representation at ne......

Aboobaker Amod

THE expressions "financial success" and "financial failure" will no doubt be accepted as denoting the ignition centres which separately set the commercial world a-working or render it defunct.

Biography of Avasthi Family, Aswathi Kalideen

There is considerable literature on "Indians in South Africa." The conditions of service, the promises made but not kept, the ill - treatment.......

Mahatma Gandhi Collection (Gandhi 1913 - 1914 scrapbook)

A LETTER written by Mahatma Gandhi to Adolf Hitler in 1940 has been dug out of Government Archives in Madras, South India........

Gandhi in South Africa

Serious bio•raphical research on Mohandas K, Gandhi remains in, a fairly primitive condition. Louis Fischer's.........

Gandhi and Indians in South Africa

THE battle to abolish the law barring Indians from living in the Free State - an issue which became a heated one in Parliament........


Mahatma Gandhi newsaper cutting

After the South African War, Gandhi enrolled himself as an advooate of the Supreme Court.........

Indians in the Natal Economy
73' Natal Industrial and Commercial review in the Daily news : Supplement
Memorandum on wages and conditions of agricultural workers in Natal sugar industry
The socio economic position of the Indian
This name list is published by H. H. LAKHANI AND D.R.MANDAN
Indicom - Indians in Commerce Trade Fair.
Must We Fight? Yes! For Our Rights

South Africa has enjoyed almost unbroken prosperity since 1933. The National Income, measured at current prices, increased.....


Consumer Price Index
Letters between Phyllis Naidoo and Bernard and Margaret

Letters between Phyllis Naidoo and Bernard and Margaret

Unemployment press cuttings

growth, employment, labour, employees, Redistribution,

Employment general press cuttings


245 records found.