Indian penetration

Thumbnail Title Description
Pamphlet on the Indian Question

The Secretary has sent me a copy of the above pamphlet and advises that these were being distributed....

Report on the passing of the proposed Occupation Draft Ordinance

Mr Mitchell. May I commence this evening by particularly thanking the organizers of this meeting...

The Occupation Control Ordinance - The Petition

Your Petitioners are the elected representatives in the sphere of the local government of the City of Durban....

Durban Corporation - Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

The first question submitted is whether, in view of Section 86  of the Provincial Council the South Africa Act it would be.....

General Purpose Committee - Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

That an urgent request be made for a deputation from the Durban City Council to be accorded...

Draft Ordinance to replace to Pegging Act

Further to my telegram of 30th ultimo on the above subject addressed to his Hon the Administrator and his telegraphic reply.....

Minutes of the The City Council of The City of Durban

Minutes of the The City Council of The City of Durban

Memorandum upon the Draft Ordinance to replace the Pegging Act submitted by the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee

Memorandum upon the Draft Ordinance to replace the Pegging Act submitted by the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee..

The General principle of the Draft Ordinance is in the opinion of the Sub Committee ....

Proposed Ordinance to replace the Pegging Act

Proposed Ordinance to replace the Pegging Act

Meeting of the Durban General Council of the Dominion Party

At a Meeting of the Durban General Council of the Dominion Party held in Durban on Friday afternoon last the following resolution was passed.....

Report of General Purpose Committee

Report of General Purpose Committee, Meeting Held 25th April 1944.

1. Natal Indian Commission

The City at its meeting on the 11th April 1944 arising out of the report..

Minutes of the Council meeting

Minutes of the Council meeting

That Councilor W. Wanless be granted leave of the absence from this meeting of the City Council

Corporation of the City of Durban

Sir, The proposed withdrawal from operation of the trading and occupation of land.....

Record of Proceedings at the April quarterly Meeting of the Executive Committee

Record of Proceedings at the April quarterly Meeting of the Executive Committee

The President said the Agenda would be somewhat upset as the Administrator was to attend and address the meeting on the subject....

The Indian Question in Natal. Memorandum by the Secretary

Consideration is to be given at the April Quarterly meeting of the Natal Municipal Association......

Notes of the Proceeding at the Conference of Delegates of the Natal Municipal Association and the Natal Indian congress on the Subject of "The Pegging Act"

The President said that the primary purpose of the meeting was to receive the Executive Committee of the Natal Indian Congress in order to hear their views on the subject of Indian Penetration

NMA - Secretarial Circular

During the past few days Mr E.R.Browne M.P.C. has presented, a five page Memorandum to the Executive Committee of the Province on the subject of Indlan.Penetration in urban areas......

Permits for Indian Occupation of Dwellings

We have the honour to inform you that the attention of this Committee has been directed to a report to the effect that application are being made to the authorities.....

Secretarial Circular

Indian penetration, Towns, urban Centre, reconstruction commission, Radical racial zones, European, Non-european, contiguous local authorities, land expropriation commission, water supply authority,

Executive Committee and Indian Penetration meetings

The Presidemt now directs that all Towns be circularised with a brief resume of the action since taken on the Association's behalf.....


203 records found.