Indian penetration

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Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

When Standing Counsel appeared on behalf of the City Council before the Select Committee of the Natal Provincial Council on the last occasion in connection with the Draft Occupation Control Ordinance...

Memorandum for General Purpose Committee. Interview ith Prime Minister re: Draft Occupation Control

The Council on 9th July 1944 appointed a deputation to wait on the Right Hon. the Prime Minister for the purpose of enabling the views of the.....

Letter to the Department of the Interior

At a meeting of my Council's Special Committee re Indian Affairs which was held a few days ago, I was directed to inform you that the members of the Committee have reason to believe that the Government's Law Advisor have expressed.....

Minutes of Special Committee re : Indian Affairs meeting held Friday...Present : The Mayor(Councillor R Ellis Brown, J. P. - Chairman)

The Town Clerk's Legal Adviser explained that recently when Standing Counsel appeared before the Selected Committee on behalf of the City Council he had indicated to the Selected Committee...

Draft Occupation Control Ordinance, 1944 and Memorandum of Draft Amendments suggested by Standing Counsel

To make provision for the licensing, regulation and control of the residential purpose of dwelling by persons of certain racial groups in boroughs.....

Memorandum submitted to the Tight Honourable the Prime Minister by His Worship the Mayor of Durban, on Behalf of the Durban City Council

The Durban City Council has sought this interview with the Right honorable the Prime Minister in earnest hope that it may assist towards finding a solution for the problem of how the great races who inhabit its great....

Resume of the proceedings at the interview on the Occupation Control Ordinance to replace the Pegging Act

Resume of the proceedings at the interview on the Occupation Control Ordinance to replace the Pegging Act

Memorandum to the Town Clerk on the Select Committee on the Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

The Town Clerk will have noticed from the Press Announcement which appeared this morning that the Selected Committee concluded its present session late yesterday evening.....

Second Report of General purposes Committee

The City Council on 23m June, 1944, authorized that Standing Counsel (Mr. Advocate F. R. Shaw, K.C.).....

Memorandum submitted to the Selected Committee on the Occupation Control

Subject to the acceptance of the submission put forward in this memorandum, the Durban City Council welcomes  the proposal that the....

Minutes of Special Committee Meeting re. Indian Affairs

The Town Clerk read explanatory memorandum dated 3rd July 1944 by the Town Clerks Legal Advisor in reference to the basis of the evidence and submissions which it was proposed the City Council.......

Preliminary Notice of July Quarterly Meeting

Town Clerks and Secretaries are respectfully reminded that the July Quarterly Meeting of the Executive Committee will take place........

Occupation Control Ordinance

Notes for the meeting with Administrator

1. Indian Penetration is not a single isolated problem.

Record of Proceedings at the June Quarterly Meeting of the Executive Committee

The President indicated that apologies for unavoidable absence had been tendered on behalf of Newcastle, Glencore, Stanger and Westville......

Minutes of Special Committee. re. Indian Affairs

In briefly reviewing the conclusions tentatively reached by the Committee at its previous meeting the Chairman mentioned that standing Counsel had been invited to be present with to guiding...

Notes taken at Special Committee and Indian Affairs meeting

The Chairman explained to Standing Counsel that as a result of a meeting of the Special Committee held the previous day....

Secretarial Circular - Draft Ordinance to replace the Pegging

The first item for discussion on the Agenda at next Friday's meeting of the Executive is the Draft....

Urgency Report of the General Purpose Committee

That the recommendation of the Finance Committee contained in Section 1 of the Report be and it is hereby adopted.......

Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

That the necessary steps be taken to secure if possible that representatives of the Durban City Council are given a hearing by Natal Provincial Council..

Second Session of the Tenth Council. Administrators speech on the Draft Occupation Control Ordinance

As I stated yesterday, it is my intention at a later stage to move that this Draft Ordinance should be referred....


203 records found.