1. Death Of J H Hofmeyer
2. Conference
Speech - PW Botha group areas act
South African Indian Council Elections
Compiled & published by Swami Bhawani Dayal. 26th-28th June 1943
SAIC resolutions
South African Indian Congress. Resolutions passed at the.......
Policy in the South African Indian Congress in the future
Immigrants Regulation Bill
Matters arising from minutes
SAIC Constitution
This Eighteenth session of the South African Indian Congress meets only a few months after the holding of the General.....
SAIC resolution passed at the 16th session.......
Memorandum of the treatment of Indians in South Africa
This South African Indian Conference constituted of the Natal Indian Organisation.
Twenty eight months of Nationalist Party rule....
University of Durban-Westville
Durban today states that he has not resigned.......
South African Indian Council Conference papers