
Thumbnail Title Description
"My new year's gift"

"My new year's gift"

Amos family photograph.

Letter from Gwen and Frank to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Gwen and Frank to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Mair to Phyllis Naidoo

Mr Swigelaar presented with a gift

Presentation of a gift to Mr Swigelaar

Letter from Mike and Marianne to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Mike and Marianne to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Jimbo to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Jimbo to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Ray to Phyllis and Sukhthi Naidoo

Greeting from Puerto Rico.

Letter from Syvette to Phyllis Naidoo

Surprise! Surprise! I hope this long overdue letter finds you and Sukhthi well.

Letter from Margaret to Cleminshaw

Many thanks for the most unexpected gift for Mrs Sophie Cobotwana.

Letter from Bruno to Phyllis Naidoo

I hope your American friends haven't trapped you in their futile celebrations of the birth of the mos t decrepit, decadent and dismal society that ever lived •• • but give them my love anyway.

Letter from Bud to Phyllis Naidoo

Nearly four weeks since i left Durban - after a great visit. Thanks so very much! i hope your two weeks in Jo-burg went well and that you are back in your routine of writing.

12 records found.