Curries Fountain

Thumbnail Title Description
The Natal Mercury Indian Education

In this they perhaps recognised the strongest guarantee against mental stagnation and perpetual economic subservience. In this they also recognised the most important instrument by which they......

Memorandun submitted to the Group Areas Board

Proposals for Areas in central Durban........

N.I.C. Annual General Meeting -

AGM - Natal Indian Congress

Natal Indian Congress Mass meeting at Curries Fountain

N.I.C. Mass Meeting invitation

Natal Indian Congress Elections

NIC elections 4 March 1945 curries Fountain sport ground

Raymond Mkhize is champion

Newspaper article on a Karate tournament at Curries Fountain

Natal Room/Gerhard Mare Collection: Rawley Arenstein at Curries Fountain

Black and white print 17.1 x 23.1, 1 copy enlargement



Natal Room/Gerhard Mare Collection: Chief Buthelezi receiving Rawley Arenstein and his wife, Curries Fountain

Black and white print 16.9 x 22, 2 copies enlargements



Natal Room/Gerhard Mare Collection: Portrait of Chief Buthelezi in uniform at Curries Fountain

Black and white print 22.9 x 16.9, 1 copy enlargement



Papwa welcomed at Curries Fountain

Sewsunker "Papwa" Sewgolum was a South African professional golfer of ethnic Indian origin, who carved a niche for himself in golfing folklore when he became the first golfer of colour to win a provincial open in South Africa

Fireworks Mahomed

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

Description Sonny Moodley troupe: winners of Inter-Club Gymnastic Competitions in 1945,1946,1947,1948,1950

Sonny Moodley troupe

Fireworks Mahomed sports profile

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

World Class monogram awarded to Fireworks Mahomed. His grandson wears his blazer, with the Sam China Cup beside him

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

Fireworks Mahomed wrestling, Durban City Hall, 1950's

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

Fireworks Mahomed with trainer Sunny Moodley

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

Fireworks Mahomed marching in the Durban Brigade

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

Fireworks Mahomed: 300lb rock placed on his chest and knocked with a 14lb hammer

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

Fireworks Mahomed: 30 people either side try to unlock his massive arms

‘Fireworks’ as he was called, had achieved athletic success in wrestling, gymnastics, cricket and soccer throughout his life at Curries Fountain.

Northern Natal team Finalists in the Sam China Cup, 11 September 1949

Northern Natal team Finalists


126 records found.