Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from S Zuma to Phyllis Naidoo

It is indeed a great pleasure to have an extremely great moment of meeting you and knowing you. I hope that Gods of the world are with you , keeping you alive for years, decades, centuries and generations to come.

COSATU Culture Congress NASREC July 1989

A culture congress to which all federations of COSATUwere invited to perform cultural items dedicated to the congress movement.

COSATU Natal Regional Culture Workshop 23 August

A workshop held by leadership to discuss how COSATU has grown in membership and how difficult it has been to organise this large organisation. They also discussed the regions cultural activities and workshops. The workshop was held at Howard College.


Summons in the matter between McCormack Textile Printers(Plaintiff) and COSATU (Defendant) issued by the Plaintiff's attorneys.

The sanctions question: Why Cosatu has supported sanctions
Conference of the left
Winning away Inkatha's base
May Day
Inkatha and COSATU: drawing the battle lines
Striking a balance
The giant grows
Viva! COSATU women viva!
Address to the 8th National Congress of SACP

Address by Jay Naidoo, General Secretary of COSATU to the 8th National Congress of the South African Communist Party

Two lines within the Trade Unions: a brief review
Resolution on the process of political settlement

COSATU resolution on political settlement. Rejects attempts to impose reformist solutions. Demands unbanning of banned organisations, release of political prisoners, and return of exiles.

COSATU living wage campaign

Chairman's report to the Annual General Meeting supporting COSATU's living wage campaign because of poor living conditions of the Black population in South Africa

Meeting between Cosatu/UDF and ANC held in Harare on December 1 - 3, 1988

Report of a meeting between the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the United Democratic Front and the African National Congress in Harare, December 1-3, 1988.

Constitutional Guidelines Seminar, 17 May 1989: Report

Report of the Congress of South African Trade Unions Constitutional Guidelines Seminar held in Soweto, 17 May 1989.

Recommendations of Consultative Conference

Recommendations of the South African Communist Party Consultative Conference. Recommends transforming the party, that there should be internal democracy and accountability, public accountability, that the relationship between the party and fraternal organisations should change.

South Africa - towards a post-apartheid economy: a Consultative Seminar, Holiday Inn, Harare, 28 April - 1 May 1990

Programme of seminar organised by the ANC Department of Economics and Planning, Congress of South African Trade Unions and the Economic Trends Group in Harare, 28 April to 1 May 1990. Includes list of participants and papers to be presented.


138 records found.