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Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Letter submitted by the City Valuator to the General Purpose Committee

Natal Indian Judicial Commission

Re: Natal Indian Commission

In the defense to the request set out in your letters of the 22nd March and 17th April 1944, I have the pleasure in submitting herewith information which I trust will prove to be of assisting.....

Natal Indian Judicial Commission

The City Council on 6th November 1944, resolved:

1) That His Worship the Mayor and Councillors LL Body. M.P.C.......

Note to Town Clerk

The attached judgment distressed me very greatly especially as it comes from Justice Broome. I commend for the Town Clerk's.....

Penetration Assurance and Segregation. Swami Bhawani Dayal's Statement

Swami Bhawani Dayal's statement......

Preliminary Statement of the N.I.C. - 2nd June 1944

The Natal Indian Judical Commission

Preliminary Statement to the Natal Indian Judicial Commission

We the officials of the Natal Indian Congress an organization representing the Indian Community of Natal beg to submit this.....

Report of the General Purpose Committee

Minutes of the City Council.....

Schedule of Mortgage Bonds passed by Indians over properties situated in those areas in the Old Borough by the Broome Commission to be predominantly European.....
Smuts replies to Indians. Pegging Remains for Time Being. Ordinance Deferred

The Government has decided to advise that assent be reserved on the Natal Residential Property Regulations Ordinance....

The Broome Commission
The Broome Commission - List of Articles
The Durban Housing Survey - Indian Penetration
The Indian in South Africa - Pamphlet Collection

Indian propagandists have dubbed the "Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Act, 1946," the "GHETTO" Act and even the "Gutter" Act. In so doing they have been guilty of a plain lie. These Indian propagandists have spread their false version of the Act all over the world.

The Indian in South Africa - Pamphlet Collection

The first important fact is that only in recent times has the Indian community come to be regarded as a permanent part of the population of the Union. Prior to 1927 the Indian in South Africa was looked upon as an alien a sojourner in the land, and not destined to remain there.

The Notice of Motion - Natal Indian Association

That the City Council instructed the General Purposes Committee


56 records found.