Thumbnail Title Description
The challenge of Black Theology to the present S.A.

Lecture delivered by Rev M. Ngakane, Deputy General Secretary of the South African Council of Churches in Benoni on March 6, in 1976 about the challenge of Black theology in a South African situation

The Church Struggle in South Africa
Black Consciousness
Black Theology Conference

This is the proceedings of the Black Theology conference held at the Edendale, Pietermaritzburg on the 13th-16th February 1973. It contains the program, report and speeches.

Profile of a raving people's theologian
Areas of co-operation: what should UCM be

Pamphlet compiled by University Christian Movement about the possible ways to make Christianity relevent to all people - Black as well as White.

Interview with Steve Biko

Oral interview, in Durban, with Steve Biko, on the rise of Black Consciousness, the growing resistance of students by 1972 and the roles of organisations such as NUSAS and SASO.

Prologomenon to the study of Black Theology

This is a journal article about theology. It covers definition of theology, systematic theology, historical perspectives, and Black theology

The task of Black theological education in South Africa

Journal article outlining the task of Black theological education in South Africa. Note that the text is barely legible in some sections.

The Black Church and the future

Journal article containing an address given by Allan Boesak on 27 July 1979 to the National Conference of the South African Council of Churches on the Black Church and the future.

The relevance of Black Theology

Journal article discussing the relevance of the Black Theology in South Africa in relation to the question of colour, in relation to the heretical ecclesiology, and in relation to the proclamation of the gospel.

Black theology in Bangkok: relevance for South Africa

This is a journal article about the Black theology in Bangkok. It also discusses the church in Africa and the relevance for South Africa.

Black theology

Journal article about the origins of Black theology, Black theology in Africa, and its objections and criticisms.

Position paper on "Black theology revisited"
Black theology revisited
The church as seen by a young layman
Black theology - opiate or material force?
Guarding the faith: reflections on the banning of black theology literature in South Africa

An essay about the reflections on the banning of black theology literature in South Africa.

Black Theology

The essay contains a discussion around Black theology, politics, religion and philosophy as experienced by the Black man in South Africa.



31 records found.