
Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
A young man holding a bottle, possibly administering medicine to a woman and baby nearby


Caption for photograph: Muti. (Medicine)

A young woman stooping over a baby


Description: Early twentieth-century.


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2)

File 6 (KCM 91/2/6)

Sheet 33



Babies on the verandah

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church

Dining hall for nurses at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Dining hall for nurses at St Aidan's hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Dining room for nurses at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Gardeners at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Kitchen at St Aidan's hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Kitchen at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Kitchen at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Kitchen at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Laundry department at St Aidan's Hospital

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Laundry department St Aidan's

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Nurses home
Nurses home courtyard

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Sisters meeting in the nurses common room

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital

Three women with a baby, seated between a traditional hut and what appears to be a wattle and daub building


Description: Early twentieth-century


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2)

File 6 (KCM 91/2/6)

Sheet 23



Two young girls carrying babies on their backs, with a thatched dwelling in the background


General caption on page: Home Life

Description: Early twentieth-century.  There are four calabashes in the foreground of the picture.


Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2)

File 6 (KCM 91/2/6)

Sheet 32



Women carrying babies on their backs


Unlabelled photograph

Women's Ward

St Aidan’s Mission Hospital


23 records found.