Thumbnail | Title | Description |
A young man holding a bottle, possibly administering medicine to a woman and baby nearby |
Caption for photograph: Muti. (Medicine) |
A young woman stooping over a baby |
Description: Early twentieth-century.
Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) File 6 (KCM 91/2/6) Sheet 33
Babies on the verandah |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital and Church |
Dining hall for nurses at St Aidan's Hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Dining hall for nurses at St Aidan's hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Dining room for nurses at St Aidan's Hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Gardeners at St Aidan's Hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Kitchen at St Aidan's hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Kitchen at St Aidan's Hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Kitchen at St Aidan's Hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Kitchen at St Aidan's Hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Laundry department at St Aidan's Hospital |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Laundry department St Aidan's |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Nurses home | ||
Nurses home courtyard |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Sisters meeting in the nurses common room |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |
Three women with a baby, seated between a traditional hut and what appears to be a wattle and daub building |
Description: Early twentieth-century
Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) File 6 (KCM 91/2/6) Sheet 23
Two young girls carrying babies on their backs, with a thatched dwelling in the background |
General caption on page: Home Life Description: Early twentieth-century. There are four calabashes in the foreground of the picture.
Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) File 6 (KCM 91/2/6) Sheet 32
Women carrying babies on their backs |
Unlabelled photograph |
Women's Ward |
St Aidan’s Mission Hospital |