Thumbnail Title Description
Work In Progress No 52
Youth in struggle
FOCUS: No 92 January-February 1991

Talks under pressure Government accused of bad faith Differing interpretations by the ANC and the South African....

The Institution of Black Research Survey

Negotiations and Change - An Opinion Poll of 3725

Letter from Ray to Phyllis and Sukhthi Naidoo

Greeting from Puerto Rico.

UNITA and Angola's struggle for independence

Facts of the Rhodesian situation before Commonwealth leaders.

Zimbabwe is not negotiable

The whole concept of selective mandatory sanctions is based on a faulty hypothesis - that Rhodesia's political structure will collapse with the application of pressures on the economy.

African unity's hardest test

The Arab-African clash in the Sudan.

Comment: Malcom X

Violent and non-violent struggle.

Poems by Leonard Koza
The Mandela Document

ANC booklet containing the full text of a document presented by Nelson Mandela to P W Botha in July 1989, stating his views on the armed struggle, relations with the South African Communist Party and majority rule.

Book reviews: coming to terms with the past
Sisulu e Kathrada: comrades in arms
Sparg sets out ANC policy on violence
Political conflict
Address at the opening of the ANC Conference at Arusha, 1 December 1987

Address by Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere of Chama Cha Mapinduzi, at the opening of the African National Congress (ANC) Conference in Arusha, 1 December 1987. Covers the struggle in South Africa, international support, abolition of the National Party, and the armed struggle.

Has the time come for arming the masses?

Notes delivered by Joe Nhlanhla at a regional Youth seminar on the call to arm the masses. Asks whether this call is realistic or emotional.

Gumbi sentenced to five years under Terrorism Act


228 records found.