Letter from Howard and Marge Trumbull to Phyllis Naidoo.
HOWARD, MARGE, Phyllis, Trumbull, MISSIONARIES, United Church Board for World Mission, UCBWM, United Church of Christ, Botswana Regional Council (BRC), Unite d Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA), Botswana Christian Council ( BCC), Welfare Officer, Urban political refugees, Gaborone, England, CHILDREN, holiday, local government hospital, maternity clinic, Steve Harrison, Steve, Police Force, Pam, Mike, GINGER, Motswana, Christmas, Shalom
17 February 1974
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2 pages
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UKZN - Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre
Letter from Howard and Marge Trumbull to Phyllis Naidoo.
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Posted by: siya
On: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 12:12