Control and Repression: The Plight of Indian Hawkers and Flower Sellers in the Durban CBD, 1910-1948
Resource Type:
File Type:
14 pages
Rights Holder:
UKZN - Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre
This paper will examine the position of Indians who attempted to make a living on the streets of Durban as hawkers and flower sellers. In doing do it will explore a pivotal intermediate phase in the economic lives of Indians between indenture and urban industrial wage labour, as well as the role of the local state, which "scarcely received a footnote in the works of both the 'liberals' and 'revisionists' (social scientists) who dominated the critical intellectual agenda on South Africa during the 1960s and 1970s." The lack of analysis of the local state has shrouded an understanding of the characteristics of local state and
politics, a weakness that needs remedying.
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These Files may not be reproduced and published without permission from the Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre. The Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre has exclusive rights to these letters. For more information please phone 031 260 7351 /7350
Posted by: siya
On: Monday, December 4, 2017 - 08:52