
Thumbnail Title Description

Long wooden carved spoon in a round shape and incisions on the handle. It belonged to the Chiyane Clan from Nongoma in KwaZulu- Natal.


A medium size beer pot made out of clay with 'amasumpa' around it. It belonged to the Shoba Clan from Phongola in KwaZulu- Natal.


Large wooden carved meat dish, with handles on each side and four legs.


wooden carved round spoon with an incisioned handle.

" Ithunga"

Wooden carved milk pail with block incisions around it and Amasumpa on the sides

"Rain Queen"

Monochrome abstract, figures of old man, child and an old woman. ( Type: Linocut)

" Ukhezo"

Wooden carved spoon made out of Umthombothi tree, has a block incision on the handle and it belonged to Chiyane Clan from Nongoma,KwaZulu- Natal.

Peace now

Peace now

St Peter's vision

St Peter's vision



Cattle dung collectors

Cattle dung collectors

The wild bull

The wild bull

Reconciliation for progress

Reconciliation for progress

Man and his donkey

Man and his donkey

Traditional Zulu homestead

Zulu homestead

15 records found.