Peter Brown Collection

Thumbnail Title Description
Letter from Peter Brown to Mr. Joseph Malindi

Received a letter for a subscription to REALITY.July edition was sent , 

Letter from Randolph Vigne to Peter Brown

The letters got crossed but Randolph replied to Peter's letter on 12 July, Anthony Barker did not receive copies of the addresses

A list is enclosed of the those attendingas reported in the newspaer.

Letter from University of Cape Town to Reality

A second subscription for REALITY, commence with vol.20, no1, 1988

Letter from The Federal Theological Seminary to Peter Brown

Cheque for R12.30 for Invoice No, 80.  for the June 1988 edition.

Letter from P.M. Brown to Prof. K. Tomaselli

P,M. Brown thanked Prof. Tomaselli for the letter dated 12th October.

Letter from P.M. Brown to Mr Chris Heymans

This is just to confirm that the issue of REALITY which will carry your seriies of articles will have deadline of the end of January.

if you have any photographs or other illustrations could be used as a cover or in the text.

Letter to Francis

REALITY  published an article of Mark Swilling. Which he never gave consent  to be published.  It was a draft copy . There will be an apology in the next issue.

Letter from P M. Brown to the Manager of Exclusive Books

REALITY Board withdraw the sale of September issue of REALITY  from Exclusive Books.......

Letter from PM Brown to the Manager of Literary Services

REALITY board wrote to the manager of Literary Services  at the request of one of the contributors, asked to with dreaw the sale of September issue of REALITY.


Letter from P.M. Brown to Mark Swilling

Peter Brown worte a letter to Mark Swilling to apologise and  enclosed a copu of REALITY,


Letter from Daniel Britz to REALITY

Northwestern University Library requested a copy of Vol.18 No. 6 (November 1986)  from Reality which owas not received.



Minutes of a Reality Board Meeting

Minutes of Reality held 13 October 1987 various Vol. 19, 20, was discussed finance was also discussed.  The next date of meeting was set

for 10 November 1987

Letter from Peter Brown to Mr Nilsen

Mr Nilsen subscription cash went missing also and English subscriber 5 dollar went  missing

Letter from Peter Brown to Mrs Jean farrant

Missing Subscription cash for the subscription has not reached REALITY magazine 

Letter from Peter Brown to Venn Memeth and Hart

A letter written to acknowledge receipt of subscription fee to Reality.

Letter from F.A. Proudfoot to Reality

Enquiring what kind of articles are published in Reality Magazine.

Letter from Peter Brown to Prof. Michael Whisson

Article was sent  to Michael

Letter from Keyan Tomaselli to Mr Peter Brown

Permission to re produce a ca book book from the REALITY Vol. 18 No. 4 1986  a paper published by Ben Parker.



Letter from University of South Africa to REALITY

renew this subscription

without delay and invoice us accordingly.

Letter from Peter Brown to Allan

Your lecture arrived safely yesterday. I haven't phoned to tell you this because our phone stopped working about a week ago. Apparently if you dial the number it rings away - but nothing happens at our end.




1885 records found.