Thumbnail Title Description
The Urban Informal Sector In Africa.
The Informal Sector & Zambia's Employment Crisis.
The Awakening of "Informal Sector" Studies in Southern Africa.
Some thought and evidence on the informal sector
Pakistan's Informal Sector

in the informal sector.

International experiences of informal sector activity and the lessons for South Africa
Informal Sector
A Retail Perspective of the Informal Sector

Monochrome abstract of an Antelope.

Urban Planning & the Informal Sector
The Informal Sector, Gender and Development
The Informal Economy In South Africa
Late Apartheid and Urban Informal Sector
Nottingham Road School
‘Without the luxury of time’: AIDS, Representation and the Birth of Rights-based AIDS Activism in the 1980s

On the August 4th 2003 Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) activists marched on the

first South African AIDS Conference. The singing and toyi-toying demonstrators

reached the court-yard next to the entrance to the conference’s venue, Durban’s

“A Long Illness”: Towards a History of NGO, Government and Medical discourse around AIDS policy-making in South Africa

This thesis will aim to set out a critical history of AIDS policy-making: using the records of the Family Planning Association of South Africa; the University ofthe Witwatersrand’s Centre for Health Policy and Women’s Health Project; late and post-apartheid government policy documents; relevant a

From migrating men to moving women : Forgotten Lessons from the Karks on methodology, migration and disease

This paper is based on a rough draft of a chapter for my PhD dissertation. I have kept in place references to other chapters to give a sense of how it fits into my broader thesis. The dissertation is provisionally

Aids and the Changing Political Economy of Sex in South Africa: From Apartheid to Neo-liberalism

Between 1990 and 2005, HIV prevalence rates in South Africa jumped from less than 1% to around 29%. Combining ethnographic, demographic and historical insights, this article addresses the important question posed recently by prominent South Africanist scholars:

Masculinities and multiple-sexual-partners in KwaZulu-Natal: The Making and Unmaking of Isoka

This paper examines one dominant element of masculinities worldwide – the high value placed on men’s “success” with women.


24 records found.