E.A Londal
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Trunk Ficus annulate yas valida. approximately diameter 12 ft. Alleged the oldest tree in Botanic gardens. |
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Tombstone. |
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Rissek Post Office 1981. |
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Krugers house in church street, Pretoria. |
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Dr E. Jansen and Mrs Jansen handed over their collection of porcelaine pieces and antique furniture all of which are displayed temporaly in the Victorian house in Strouben street, Pretoria. |
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Close view of Benghalensis. |
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Ficus Benghalensis, branches send shoots to the ground common name Banyan (India) |
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Another flashlight suprise, middle row second from left E.A Londal's mother and at the left the Nils Anderson and at his left his fiancee. |
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Tombstones. |
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On the rocks- St Helena. |
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Extracting sperm whale teeth. Whaling station behind Bluff. |
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Durban beach. |
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The end of Mango tree which reached an estimated height of 30 metres-trunk was a metre thick, it did bear fruits. |
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Yvonne with the daughter of E.A Londal who made this photograph available for copying. |
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Wilfred. spears donated to Mashu Ethnology museum by H.L Pook. |
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The union whaley co ceased its activities at the Durban whaling station in 1976. They were the last firm to hunt whales. Info from: Daily news 18 October 1976 |
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Holy trinity church Belvidere, Cape. |
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The rarest of all cycads Encephalartos woodii. |
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Berea park Durban, avenue of old trees. Syniarpia glomifera. |
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A fitting ode to a tree. Mitchell park Durban. Its printed on stone not wood. |