Bailliere H.

Thumbnail Title Description
"The Great Barracks: Cape Town"

Black and white engraving of the Great Barracks in Cape Town.

" Woman & Child of the Bushman Race"

Black and white engraving of a Koi mother and child.

"The Wesley Chapel: Cape Town"

Black and white lithograph scene of the Wesley Chapel in Cape Town.

"Kaffir of Amaxhosa"

Black and white engraving of a Xhosa man wearing his traditional clothes and carrying a stick.

"Female of the Bushman Race"

Black and white engraving of an African woman from the KoiSan race.

"The Old Theatre: Hottentot Square"

Black and white lithograph scene of the Old Theatre; Hottentot Square in Cape Town.

"St Andrews Church & The Old Town House"

Black and whithe lithograph scene of the St Andrews Church and the Old Town House in Cape Town.

"Kaffir of the Bechuana"

Black and white engraving of an African man in Botswana.

8 records found.