South Africa

Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: (L-R), Marie Odendaal, John Morrison, Mary-Anne, Tanderayi, Mark Steele

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: (L-R), Mary Kleinenberg, Joan Kerchhoff, Penny Haswell, and Raenette Taljaard

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: (L-R), Rev George Parish, Mark Steel and Mrs Parish

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: (L-R), Rob Haswell, Professor Fikile Mazibuko, Nthabiseng Mosala-Bryant and a guest

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Guests at the snack supper after the lecture with Peter Green (2nd from right) and Marie Odendaal (right)

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Guests at the snack supper at the lecture

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Gwyn Barrett (L) and Mr Msimang

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Gwyn Barrett (L), Mr Msimang and Sylvia Vietzen (R)

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Jenny Clarence thanking Raenette Taljaard for delivering the lecture

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Jenny Clarence thanking Raenette Taljaard for delivering the lecture

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Jewel Koopman and Raenette Taljaard at the Alan Paton Centre before the lecture

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Jewel Koopman and Raenette Taljaard before the lecture

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Leslie Weinberg (left) with Radikobo Ntismane and Mike Cowling

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Michael Cowling and Raenette Taljaard

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Michael Dyer talking to a guest at the lecture

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Michael Dyer talking to a guest at the lecture

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Mike Cowling and Radikobo Ntsimane

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Mike Cowling and Raenette Taljaard

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Mike Cowling and Raenette Taljaard

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14th Alan Paton Lecture 2007 given by Raenette Taljaard: Professor Colin Gardner, Dr Radikobo Ntsimane, Professor Mike Cowley and Jenny Clarence

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