South Africa

Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
SASO/BPC trial at the Palace of Justice in Pretoria

1976 Trial of Bpc and Saso leaders

Sastri College

Tucked away in the suburb of Greyville sits Sastri College, one of the province’s most important educational and historical institutions.

Sastri College

Tucked away in the suburb of Greyville sits Sastri College, one of the province’s most important educational and historical institutions.

Sastri College

Photograph of the Sastri College Buidling

Sastri College

Athletes of Sastri College

Sastri College

Teacher talking to a student

Sastri College

Tucked away in the suburb of Greyville sits Sastri College, one of the province’s most important educational and historical institutions.

Sastri College - event

Presentation at a Sastri College event

Sastri College - Students and Teachers

Student and teacher photograph

Sastri College Athletes

Sastri College athleties working out

Sastri College Athletic team

Group photograph of the athletic team of Sastri College

Sastri College Athletics

Sastri College athletics group photograph

Sastri College athletics division

Group photograph of the altheletics division of Sastri College

Sastri College Chess Team

Sastri Group Chess team group photo

Sastri College Cricket Club

Cricket in Natal

Sastri College event

Spech day at Sastri College

Sastri College examinations

Examination in progress at Sastri College

Sastri College Golden Jubilee

Sastri college group photograph

Sastri College Library

Learners in the Sastri College Library

Sastri College library facilities

Students in the Library


26266 records found.