Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre

Thumbnail Titlesort ascending Description
The Muslim Digest Vol.17(1-12) Aug 1966-Jul 1967
The Muslim Digest Vol.16(1-12) Aug 1965 - Jul 1966
The Muslim Digest Vol.15(1-11) Aug 1964-Jul 1965
The Muslim Digest Vol.14(1-12) Aug 1963-Jul 1964
The Muslim Digest Vol.13(1-12) August 1962 to July 1963
The Muslim contributions to Mathematics

Islamic religious art differs from Christian religious art in that it is non-figural because many Muslims believe that the depiction of the human form is idolatry, and...

The multicultrinder Chadha's Bend it like Beckham and Bride and prejudice (Thesis, 2009)ural traveller : representations of Indian female identity in Gu

This paper explores the construction of multicultural identities in the postcolonial world in relation to nonresident Indian women depicted in mainstream cinema.


Pietermaritzburg Moharam festival

The Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba

The Great Mosque was built in the context of the new Umayyad Emirate in Al-​Andalus which Abd ar-Rahman I founded in 756

The Moral Economy of the Black Miners Strike of 1946

Most accounts of the African miners· strike on the Witwatersrand in 1946 rely heavily on Dan O'Meara's pioneering article.....



The mine workers in 1946
The militarisation of South African politics

Rise of the Executive State, The New Constitutional Dispensation, The Security Establishment

The Message of Swami Vivekananda

Why is it that of all ancient civilizations that have grown and flourished on this planet, it is India's alone, that survives unbroken from the very dawn of history? There have been other great civilizations in this. world.

The Mercantile Group Of Companies
The Media And Politics In The Third World, With Special Emphasis to South Africa

Political Sciences Project......

The May 2008 Xenophobic Violence in South Africa: Antecedents and Aftermath

This article revisits the May 2008 xenophobic attacks in South Africa in order to grapple with key questions around the causes of xenophobia in South Africa, measures that can be taken to address xenophobia and ways in which diverse but inclusive communities can be built.


In any education system "no other single factor determines to such an extent the quality of education in a country as the quality of the corps of teachers, lecturers and instructors" (HSRC 1981 : 180).


Degree: Ph. D. Degree Year: 1995 Institute: Indiana University The object of this study is to
examine the making of Indian identities in Durban between 1914 and 1949. There were
many significant changes in social and material conditions during this period and it is within

The making of a political reformer: Gandhi in South Africa, 1893-1914

This Study Offers Perspectives That More Accurately Situate Gandhi`S Role In South Africa`S History. The Focus Is On The Religious And Cultural Orientation Of His Compatriots Seeking To Add With This New Dimension To A Better Understanding Of The Making Of A Social Reformer.

The Making of "Indianess": Indian Politics in South Africa During the 1930s and 1940s

The years 1914 to 1949 were witness to rapid and extensive change in the social and
material conditions of Indians. The transformation of the majority of lndians to an urban-based
proletariat presented them with new challenges as well as additional choices of group


12275 records found.