Campbell Collections

Thumbnail Title Description
Durban: Modern from 1900

Ocean Beach, Durban.

Durban: Modern from 1900

Florida road, Durban.

Durban: Modern from 1900

First Avenue, Greyville.

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Zulu Mona Lize

Purchased by Mr. Sam Newton and presented to Durban Art Gallery

Pieters, Jacobus Papers
Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Bought by Mr. Freemantle

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Purchased by Joyce Everton

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Owned by Mrs Sam Newton

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Mr Pieters's Pretoria Exhibition

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Vase made by Pieters who did pottery at Natal Technikon

In the possession of Mr. (Lem Langton of the Langton Art Gallery)

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Bought by Mr. Sascha Kahn

Friend of Pieters, owner of Butterworths Hotel where used to hang Pieters's pictures

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Portrait of Mr Pieters' wife.

Mrs Pieters wearing jewellery her sister brought her from Egypt.

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Purchased for the Durban Municipality Art Gallery

South African Wagon

Abstract scene of a South African Wagon:1862.

"Rain Storm"

Abstract scene of a stormy weather in the mountains of Drakensberg.

"After Rain"

Abstract sceneof Natal after a rainfall.

"Kaffir Woman"

Abstract scene of a Xhosa woman preparing a meal.


Abstract scene of Natal in 1863.

"Deep Krantz"

Abstract scene of a deep cleef at the Drakensburg mountains.

Natal Zulus

Abstract scene of Zulu men in different ages.


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