Campbell Collections

Thumbnail Title Description
Cetshwayo coronation

Cetshwayo's coronation; depicts the gathering at the coronation

Cetshwayo's Crown

Cetshwayo's crown; depicts the royal headdress...

Victoria Mounted Rifles

Victoria Mounted Rifles

Victoria Mounted Rifles

Victoria Mounted Rifles

Two kneeling Zulu women, one arranging the others hai.r Witchdoctors has typical lengthened haiir rrs with typical lengthened hair

Two kneeling Zulu women, one arranging the others hair. Witch doctors has typical lengthened haiir rrs with typical lengthened hair

Zulus: two kneeling Zulu women , one arranging the others hair.Witchdoctors has typical lengthened hair.

Zulus: two kneeling Zulu women , one arranging the others hair.Witchdoctors has typical lengthened hair.

Zulus: Zulu man standing wearing spotted leopard skin...

Zulus: Zulu man standing wearing spotted leopard skin...

Adams College buildings: the girls cottage dormitory that was designed by K.R. Brueckner


Label on photograph: “Adams Mission Station. Girls Cottage (Dormitory). Designed by K R Brueckner” (MS Brueckner D5) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Adams College buildings: domestic science building


Label on photograph: “Domestic Science Bldg. Adams College – 1928” (MS Brueckner D4) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “D: Photographs of Buildings at Adams College taken by Dr. K.R. Brueckner.”

Zulus; Group of four Zulu women

Zulus; Group of four Zulu women

Adams College buildings: girls dormitory and domestic science building


Label on photograph: “Girls dormitory & Dom. Sc. Building. Adams College” (MS Brueckner D3) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Adams College buildings: morning chapel at Adams Church


Label on photograph: “Adams Church. Morning Chapel” (MS Brueckner D2) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “D: Photographs of Buildings at Adams College taken by Dr. K.R. Brueckner.”


Zulus; Two Zulu girls posed standing

Zulus; Two Zulu girls posed standing

Adams College buildings: girls cottage in dormitory system


Label on photograph: Girls Cottage in Dormitory System, Adams College (MS Brueckner D1) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Zulus; Zulu man wearing distinctive beaded headband

Zulus; Zulu man wearing distinctive beaded headband

Adams College pupils: young men working in the fields, with buildings in background


Label on photograph: “Working in fields” (MS Brueckner C12) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “C: Photographs of Pupils at Adams College taken by K.R. Brueckner.”



Adams College pupils: students working in the joinery workshop


Label on photograph: “Joinery Shop Amanzimtoti Institute” (MS Brueckner C11) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “C: Photographs of Pupils at Adams College taken by K.R. Brueckner.”


Adams College pupils: joiners and carpenters at work in the workshop


Label on photograph: “Joiners & Carpenters, Adams M.S. / K.R. Brueckner – head of Industrial Dept. ± 1928” (MS Brueckner C10) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Adams College pupils: a game of school soccer, with buildings in background


Label on photograph: “School football, Adams College” (MS Brueckner C9) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “C: Photographs of Pupils at Adams College taken by K.R. Brueckner.”



Adams College pupils: a student working in the printing shop


Label on photograph: “Printing Shop, Adams College” (MS Brueckner C8) ;

Karl Robert Brueckner papers (KCM 91/2) ;

File 4 (KCM 91/2/4) ;

Photograph placed in sleeve labelled “C: Photographs of Pupils at Adams College taken by K.R. Brueckner.”




31078 records found.