
Thumbnail Title Description
Cassim Docrat - Personalia/Cricket

The President & Members of the Rotary Club of Colombo Mid City are pleased to award you this certificate in appreciation of your service to the club..........


The American Consul-General in Durban, Mr Allan 'Tex' Harris, was presented with a petition containing more than 6 000 signatures of devotees of the Hare Krishna Movement at a demonstration at the American Consulate in Durban yesterday......

Miss Calcutta 1976 contest

We welcome  you here tonight to enjoy the most fabulous show of 1976. BESIDES, the crowing and selection of Miss Caklltta there are also colourful Floor Shows which will take you to a land of mirth, melody and ecstasy ......

Gandhi: 100 Years

A commemorative function to mark the Centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's arrival in South Africa........

National and International News Events 1959

In this period of economic boycott there is an increasing demand for information on how the wh.......


National and International News Events 1958

successful attempts by South Africa to legally incorporate the mandated territory.......


JN Singh correspondence

I am in receipt of your accounts herein and your letter of the 7th April 1954........

Indian Industrial Development Corporation
The extractor - SA Sugar Association
Port Natal division
Membership subscription rates 1st January 1978
Invitation card to Mr JP Gokool
Ballot paper for the election of thirteen representatives
MPD National directors update
Notarial Agreement of League - W.G. Pretorius and S.E. Jalalper and M.Suliman
Indian emmigration papers
List of Radio Lotus Frequencies
1986 Mela India Show in Durban: 28th February - 9th March 1986
International Subscription Services Batch sheet

Herewith our orders in respect of subscriptions which we wish you.....


Rectors overseas visitors to UDW - in Alphabetical order T - Z


507 records found.