Conference Papers

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Introduction to the National Security Management System: Paper Presented at National Conference 1987

Introduction to the National Security Management System: Paper Presented at National Conference on 13 March 1987 discussing State Security Council, Information scandal, propaganda, militarisation, structure of National Security management.


UN Conference on racism 28 August - 7 September 2001

Kwandebele, a question of power: Paper Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1988

Kwandebele, a question of power: Paper Presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 11 March 1988 discussing independence of Kwandebele, violence, police brutality, torture, human rights.

Kwelerha: Paper Presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1987

Kwelerha: Paper Presented at National Conference on 14 March 1987 discussing tribal conflict, housing, homelands, forced removals, social problems, pensions and disability grants, detentions.

Labouring under the Law: Exploring the Agency of Indian Women under Indenture in Colonial Natal, 1860 – 1911

This paper is intended as the beginnings of an introduction to a Master’s thesis that will look at discourses around Indian women and gender under indenture in Colonial Natal from 1860 to 1911.

Lamontville: Paper presented at National Conference 1984

Lamontville: Paper presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing labour, housing, apartheid, segregation, rent hikes, unrest.

Land claims and restitution in South Africa : the valuation perspective

The subject matter of the paper is a description of the unique valuation research exercise currently being undertaken in South Africa to reopen the issue of compensation paid by the state in it's land acquisition/redistribution programme of 30 to 40 years ago and revolves around the effects of th

Learning From Success Changing Family Patterns and the Generation of Social Work Practice

In different parts of the world there are social workers and other professionals who see their main task in tending those who, in the midst of plenty, have fallen by the wayside. Committed professionals can carry out this work only if they are equipped for it.

Life was always like a State of Emergency: Black Medical Student Experiences at the University of Natal Medical School, 1950-1990

“You know… when I became the Professor of Anatomical Pathology, we had a major boycott here [and]… Professor Clarence was so angry.

List of organisations which support and are affiliates of the Regional UDF

List of all the organisations which supports the United Democratic Front who are also the affiliates of the regional United Democratic Front from different provinces including Natal, Transvaal and Western Cape.


Low-cost housing delivery in South Africa is largely occurring at low densities on the urban peripheries where land is cheap, but where infrastructure and transport costs are often thought to be higher.

Low-cost removals: The continuing process: Paper presented at National Conference 1984

Low-cost removals: The continuing process: Paper presented at National Conference on 16 March 1984 discussing forced removals, resettlement, housing, apartheid, land ownership, tenant's rights, rentals.

Making the Personal Civil: The Protector’s Office and the Administration of Indian Personal Law in Colonial Natal, 1872 – 1907

The arguments presented in this paper analyze the administrative contestations around Indian ‘personal law ’in the Colony of Natal from the establishment of the Coolie Commission of Inquiry in 1872 to the promulgation of the Indian Marriages Act in 1907.2 To date, very little attention has focuse

Malnutrition: Fact or Fiction: Fact Paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference 1973

Malnutrition: Fact or Fiction: Fact Paper presented at the Black Sash National Conference on 18 October 1973, discussing: Malnutrition, migrant labour, infant mortality rates, wages, poverty.

Mandatory economic sanctions and the oil embargo against SA at International Conference

Conference paper on mandatory economic sanctions and the oil embargo against SA prepared by the African National Congress of South Africa for an international Conference held in Paris on September 12-13, 1980. Note the document is barely legible.

Masculinities and multiple-sexual-partners in KwaZulu-Natal: The Making and Unmaking of Isoka

This paper examines one dominant element of masculinities worldwide – the high value placed on men’s “success” with women.

Mass Resistance in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference 1986

Mass Resistance in the Eastern Cape: Paper Presented at National Conference on 15 March 1986 discussing State of Emergency, bannings of meetings and organisations, resistance, rent boycotts, police and army brutality and torture, consumer boycotts, reform.

Messages of support

Messages of support delivered from the UDF Press Conference held on 1 August 1983 at Khotso House, Johannesburg.

Minutes of the Fourth National Congress Held at King Williams Town, December 1975, including Commission Reports

Unamended drafts of the commissions reports, Executive reports and Programmes of the Black People's Convention conference held on Dec 13-16 1975 ,King Williams Town.


343 records found.