Abraham Family Papers
Resource Type:
Resource Identifier:
KCM 00/6/8/79
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Rights Holder:
Campbell Collections
Aerial view of Congo River as it passes through the narrows at INGA in a series of rapids. It is here where the world's greatest hydroelectric power project will be built at a cost for the first phase only of 143 million pounds. The entire scheme will cost 642 million pounds and would produce 150 billion kilowatt-hours of electric power per annum. The Congo River which is further up streams is over 14 miles i width is compressed into this narrow gorge at Inga where its waters flow at 1,000,000 cubic feet per second.
Access Rights:
This photograph may not be reproduced and published without permission from the Killie Campbell Africana Library. Campbell collections have exclusive rights to this photograph and they are available for sale. For more information please contact 031-260-1710/06 or email: campbellcollections@ukzn.ac.za
Posted by: Nomvuyo Mkhulisi
On: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 - 11:49