NUM News July 1989
Mineworkers on the march
Tough wage talks - but a new wage policy advanced
The case for a national minimum wage for mineworkers
Union battles Chamber for every cent
Mineworker briefs
Repression at Anglo mine
The longest strike is over
Unions vote on Act
COSATU/UDF meet Inkatha to stop violence
Advancing to Congress
NUMSA congress calls for worker unity
12 to 16 April 1989 Congress
Namibia saluted
World mineworkers are proud of NUM
Nothing will stop the mineworkers
Organise and defeat repression
New wage aims
Congress decides on policy and direction for the union for the next two years
Build unity, defy apartheid
What is behind the bosses scheme to share
People in the union
Mgedezi saved but more to hang
Provident fund has many benefits
Mining poets
Workers fight for injury rights
AIDS is a world problem
Accident monitor
Workers of the world
Free to vote for SWAPO
May Day is ours
A Soweto son comes home
ANC guidelines on future South Africa - call to workers to discuss constitution
June 16 - a day to remember
Goal of soccer bodies is unity
National Sports Congress looks at mass-based future
Digital Innovation South Africa